



Research on O2O Sharing Economy Business Model——Taking ofo Shared Bicycle as an Example

Abstract:After experiencing the global financial crisis, the Internet and information technology began to develop continuously. In recent years, the emergence of the sharing economy has made the over-consumption phenomenon a very good solution. Therefore, under the influence of this large environment, The business model of the sharing economy has become increasingly popular and its influence has continued to expand. From the perspective of O2O, the sharing economy business model is a novel business model that is different from the traditional consumption form formed by the combination of online and offline transactions. In fact, what people pay more attention to in consumer activities is not to own the product through trading, but to use the value of the product and the availability of demand. The O2O shared economic business model can do just that. This business model has changed people’s spending habits and the means to obtain products. It also allows consumers to share their own tangible or invisible idle resources. Channels to other more useful places.

Keywords:sharing economy;business model;O2O innovation business model;value network


1 引言 1

2 理论基础和相关研究概述 2

2.1商业模式理论基础和研究概述 2

2.1.1商业模式概念 2

2.1.2商业模式的创新发展 2

2.1.3  O2O创新商业模式 3

2.2共享经济商业模式理论研究 3

2.2.1共享经济的定义 3

2.2.2共享经济与O2O 4

2.3价值网理论 4

2.3.1价值网概念 5

2.3.2 O2O价值网生态系统 5

3 O2O共享经济商业模式分析 5

3.1共享经济商业模式市场驱动因素 5

3.1.1社会因素 6

3.1.2经济因素 6

3.1.3技术因素 7

3.2  O2O共享经济商业模式 7

3.2.1平台盈利模式 7

3.2.2平台运营模式 8

3.2.3平台推广策略 8

4 ofo共享单车案例分析 9

4.1 ofo共享单车论述 9

4.2 ofo共享单车分析 9

4.2.1 ofo共享单车价值网成员分析 9

4.2.2 ofo共享单车O2O商业模式应用中存在的问题 10

4.3完善ofo共享单车的O2O商业模式建议 10

4.3.1构建共享经济商业的价值网络,实现平台整合发展 10

4.3.2建立完善的信任及保险体制,提高价值网服务质量 11

5 结语 11

致谢 12

参考文献 13


随着科学技术手段的创新,全球网络技术出现了爆炸式的发展,这就为各种商业活动在技术层面提供了更加强有力的支撑,随即导致了商业环境的日新月异,因而人们的消费模式和人们参与某种经济活动的形式也全部发生了巨大改变。“共享”这种交易形式最初只是流通在相互熟识的人群之间,比如家人或朋友这类群体之间,而随着社会的发展和商业环境的变革,“共享”这种交易形式也已经逐渐发展成为了一种新的商业模式,开始被世界各地的一些企业所应用,并且为它们创造出了大量大价值。仔细想一想,我们有没有在某个城市里租过可以共用的城市单车,有没有和陌生人一起共用或乘坐过顺风车,有没有借用或租过在别处共用的汽车?这些行为看起来没有任何关系,但其实存在着一些共同的特点:即可获得的使用权限(access), 而不是商品所有权(ownership)。值得注意的是,无论是城市单车还是共享汽车,都需要有分布广泛的人力和物力资源网络作为支撑,并且还需要有一个可靠且安全系数高的通用平台作为依托,从而建立起一个在值得信赖的前提下专门为陌生人之间提供连接的平台。