



关键词:专业展会  成功因素   蓝鲸展

A brief analysis of the success of small and fine professional exhibition - taking the international label exhibition of blue whale & international soft packaging exhibition as an example.

Abstract: Since the 1990s, China's exhibition industry has developed rapidly, stimulating the development of related industries, increasing the popularity of cities, and at the same time promoting the constant development of domestic and foreign trade. However, it comes with a series of problems. The exhibition company has insufficient ability to judge the exhibition market as a whole. There are malicious competition companies. The audience organization and planning are not perfect. The exhibition hall design lacks a unified plan. The exhibition theme is repeated. Specialization, low level of internationalization. However, in recent years, the domestic exhibition industry has made a lot of meaningful explorations in this area. They realize that it is necessary to accurately position the exhibition industry. The exhibition hall needs a clear and dominant functional orientation. Some comprehensive exhibitions in China must adapt to the development trend of specialization and gradually transition to professional exhibitions. This topic starts with a preliminary understanding and analysis of professional exhibitions. Taking the Blue Whale International Label Exhibition & International Flexible Packaging Exhibition as an example, it conducts in-depth analysis, explores the factors for the successful holding of small professional exhibitions, and supplements its shortcomings.

Keywords: Professional Exhibition Success Factors Blue Whale Show


一、研究综述 5

(一)研究的目的和意义 5

(二)研究现状 5

二、专业展会的概述,含义 6

(一)概述 6

(二)特点 7

三、专业展会发展的成因及背景 7

(一)国外 7

(二)国内 8

四、实例分析-以“蓝鲸国际标签展&国际软包装展”为例 9

(一)展会概况 9

1.基本信息 9

2.参展范围 9

3.专业目标观众 10

4.展会同期活动和论坛日程 10

(二)展后报告 12

1.参展商对本届展会评价 12

2.参观目的 12

3.展后总结 13

五、专业展会的定位以及营销策略分析 13

(一)专业展会的定位 13

(二)专业展会的营销策略分析 15

1.促销策略 15

2.体验经济与专业展会营销相结合 15

六、专业展会中的专业观众组织与策划分析 16

(一)数据库营销 17

(二)加大宣传力度、定位目标市场 18

(三)加强专业论坛建设 18

(四)开展沙龙等活动、提高观众的兴趣 18

七、专业展会的未来发展战略 19

(一)专业展会定期化 19

(二)专业展会品牌化 19