



China's manufacturing industry of rising labor costs and coping strategies

Abstract:Rapid development since the reform and opening up, China's manufacturing industry, rely on is abundant and cheap labor to attract foreign investment to enter,the production of a large number of export goods, to beat other countries the advantages of low price, has a higher market share, make China's manufacturing sector has been made on the important position in the international. In recent years, as China's manufacturing industry brought a series of problems rising labor costs. China's manufacturing industry to continue to their status in the international competition is going to analyze the problems existing in the enterprise. Faced with this problem, need to cooperate with each other between China's manufacturing enterprises and the government, adopt different strategies to solve the problem of rising labor costs. China's manufacturing industry is as far as possible through difficult time, on a sustainable development road.

 Key words: Manufacturing; Labor costs; Wage;Profit


摘要 2

Abstract 2

一、我国制造业劳动力成本发展现状 4

(一)我国劳动力供给的变化 4

(二)我国劳动力成本的变动趋势 4

(三)我国制造业劳动力成本与东南亚国家和印度的比较 5

二、中国制造业劳动力成本上升的原因 7

(一)生活资料与生存资料 7

(二)劳动力市场供求关系 7

(三)农村剩余劳动力数量 7

(四)劳动者维权意识的觉醒 8

(五)经济全球化 8

三、制造业劳动力成本上升的后果 9

(一)制造业出口数量下降 9

(二)制造业企业出现倒闭潮 9

(三)外商投资金额与企业数减少 9

(四)企业对廉价劳动力产生过度依赖 10

四、我国制造业劳动力成本上升的应对策略 11

(一)重视产业链发展 11

(二)提高自主研发、创新产品 11

(三)提高品牌效应 12

(四)打造网络销售渠道 12

(五)加强人才培养 13

(六)政府政策的辅助 13

参考文献 15

致谢 16



