



Application of data mining technology in management decision making

Abstract:  In recent years, the society from all walks of life in the era of data explosion in the face of massive complex data, how to use these data for scientific management decision has become a problem at the present stage, the emergence of data mining technology brings a new approach to management decision making. Through the introduction of three mining patterns of data mining, the basic concepts and basic implementation steps of data mining, classification, clustering and association analysis are discussed. Through data mining in major areas of application and significance of the study, understand the importance of data mining in the management decision-making process. Through the simulation of the specific process of data mining, you can be familiar with a set of data mining process. Through the analysis of the methods, applications and processes of data mining technology, this paper provides scientific decision guidance for decision makers in management decision making in three aspects.

Keywords: Data mining; Management decision; Cluster analysis


0 引言 1

1 数据挖掘概述 2

1.1数据挖掘概念 2

1.2数据挖掘国内外使用现状 2

2 数据挖掘主要应用领域 3

2.1金融领域的管理决策 4

2.2政府部分的管理决策 6

2.3物流行业的管理决策 8

3 数据挖掘技术常用方法 11

3.1决策树技术 11

3.2聚类分析 13

3.3关联规则 14

4 数据挖掘具体流程 17

4.1数据的获取和预处理 17

4.2数据分析与建模 19

4.3结果分析 20

5 研究总结 22

结论 23

致谢 24

参考文献 25


0 引言

