Study on tissue culture technology of Tomato
Abstract: In tomato seed, hypocotyl, cotyledon, stem and leaves as experimental materials, from different sterilization agent, selection of explants, different hormone levels of processing tomato tissue culture technique. The results showed that 0.1%HgCl2 3min treatment on Tomato Seed Germination and thorough sterilization effect is better. In many more suitable explants of cotyledon the formation of callus and adventitious buds, cotyledon of seedling age of about 9days, cutting 2 times, seeding density was 3 ~ 12 / bottle, the formation of better callus and adventitious bud effect, conducive to promoting the formation of adventitious buds of tomato.0.1mg.L-1IAA and 2.0mg.L-1KT combination of 0.2mg.L-1IAA and 2.0mg.L-16-BA combination is more conducive to Tomato Callus and adventitious bud the 0.2mg.L-1IAA and 2.0mg.L-1KT to promote the formation of Tomato Callus Subculture. The 2 generation is more conducive to the formation of callus and adventitious buds, the concentration of IAA in 0.5mg .L-1, the best rooting effect on tomato plants.NAA is not conducive to tomato root and seedling.
Keywords: Tomato; Tissue culture; Callus; Adventitious bud
摘要 1
引言 2
1.材料与方法 3
1.1实验材料 3
1.2试验方法 3
1.2.1种子的表面灭菌与接种 3
1.2.2不同外植体对愈伤组织及不定芽诱导的影响 3
1.2.4子叶横切次数对愈伤组织及不定芽形成的影晌 4
1.2.5子叶接种密度对愈伤组织及不定芽形成的影响 4
1.2.6不同浓度6-BA与IAA组合对愈伤组织及不定芽形成的影响 4
1.2.7同一浓度6-BA与不同浓度IAA组合对愈伤组织及不定芽形成的影响 4
1.2.8不同浓度KT与IAA组合对愈伤组织及不定芽形成的影响 4
1.2.10继代代数对愈伤组织及不定芽分化的影响 5
1.2.11不同培养基对生根壮苗的影响 5
1.2.12不同浓度的IAA对生根壮苗的影响 5
1.2.13不同浓度的NAA对生根壮苗的影响 5
1.3统计方法 5
2.结果与分析 6
2.1不同灭菌剂处理对番茄种子灭菌和萌发的影响 6
2.2不同外植体对愈伤组织及不定芽诱导的影响 6
2.3子叶苗龄对愈伤组织及不定芽形成的影响 7
2.4子叶切段大小对愈伤组织及不定芽形成的影晌 8
2.5子叶接种密度对愈伤组织及不定芽形成的影响 8
2.6不同浓度6-BA与IAA组合对愈伤组织及不定芽形成的影响 9
2.7同一浓度6-BA与不同浓度IAA组合对愈伤组织及不定芽形成的影响 10
2.8不同浓度KT与IAA组合对愈伤组织及不定芽形成的影响 10
2.9同一浓度KT与不同浓度IAA组合对愈伤组织及不定芽形成的影响 11
2.10继代代数对愈伤组织及不定芽分化的影响 12
2.11不同培养基对生根壮苗的影响 12
2.12不同浓度的IAA对生根壮苗的影响 13
2.13不同浓度的NAA对生根壮苗的影响 13
3.讨论与结论 14
3.1关于建立番茄无菌苗培养体系的问题 14