

摘要: 重金属成为时下最为受关注的环境污染问题之一,铬因其化合价态多变,以多种形式存在于大气、土壤、水体中,而铬具有强烈毒性已被确认为致癌物,又因铬极易被人类和动物通过各种渠道吸收,控制铬的排放备受关注。



关键词: 重金属铬;高浓度盐;芦苇;逆境胁迫

Effects of High-salt chromium-containing wastewater on the Growth and Root distribution of Phragmites australis

Abstract: Heavy metals pollution has become one of the most concerned issues present. Chromium is present in the atmosphere, soil, and water in various forms due to the variable valence state of its compounds. Chromium, which is strongly toxic, has been identified as a carcinogen, and chromium is highly susceptible to chromium. Humans and animals are absorbed through various channels and the control of chromium emissions has attracted attention.

In this experiment, through the method of hydroponic culture in the greenhouse, by studying the reeds under multiple culture conditions, the changes in the growth index and the distribution of roots in various aspects of the reeds were studied over time.

From the overall results obtained from the experiment, the low-concentration heavy metal chromium slightly promoted the growth of reeds, while the high-concentration salt had a certain inhibition on the growth of plants. The root system of the plant would adjust the morphology when it was subjected to stress. , Reduce the thickness of the root and increase the length of the surface area to adapt to the environment. In the face of adversity stress, reeds choose to adjust their own allocation of biomass to cope with the environment.

Keywords: Heavy metals chromium; high concentration salt environment;Phragmites australis; adverse stress


1 绪论 1

1.1 含铬废水 1

1.1.1 铬的来源的来源与形态 1

1.1.2 铬的危害 2

1.2 含铬废水对植物的影响 2

1.2.1 含铬废水对植物生长的影响 2

1.2.2 含铬废水对植物根系形态的影响 3

1.3 芦苇概述 3

1.3.1 芦苇的形态特征与生态习性 3

1.3.2 芦苇的主要价值 3

1.3.3 芦苇对污水的净化作用 4

1.3.4 芦苇生长受盐浓度的影响 5

1.3.5 芦苇根系受盐浓度的影响 5

2 实验 6

2.1 实验材料与仪器 6

2.1.1 实验材料 6

2.1.2 实验仪器 6

2.2 实验方法 6

2.2.1 实验准备 6

2.2.2 实验方案 7

2.3 芦苇各项指标测定 7

2.3.1 芦苇生长指标测定 7

2.3.2 芦苇光合特性测定 8

2.3.3 芦苇叶绿素测定 8

2.4 芦苇根系形态分析 8

2.4.1 图像采集 8

2.4.2 图像处理 9

3 结果与分析 10

3.1 芦苇生长变化 10

3.1.1 高盐含铬废水对芦苇生长指标的影响 10

3.1.2 高盐含铬废水对芦苇光和特性测定仪的影响 11

3.1.3 高盐含铬废水对芦苇叶绿素值的影响 13

3.2 芦苇根系分布分析 14

4 结论与讨论 16

4.1 高盐含铬废水对芦苇生长产生的影响 16

4.2 高盐含铬废水对芦苇根系分布的影响 16

4.3 展望 17

致谢 19

参考文献 20

1 绪论

重金属造成的污染问题是现今世界上最需要关注的环境问题之一。在这其中铬是重要的有毒重金属元素之一,铬同时也是环境中最主要的重金属污染物之一。土壤中如果含有过量的铬则会对植物的生长发育产生不利的影响, 同时铬还能够通过植物的根系在植物的体内富积。