Title A flexible bent perovskite oxide ferroelectric thin film memory
Abstract:In this paper, the growth method and environment of mica/SRO/PZT/Pt capacitor structure are introduced in detail, especially the growth of PZT film with uniform grain orientation. The flexibility of mica/SRO/PZT/Pt ferroelectric thin film capacitors is the focus of this paper.
In this paper, SRO bottom electrode, PZT ferroelectric thin film and Pt top electrode structure are grown on the surface of 10 μm mica flakes by pulse laser deposition and magnetron sputtering. The grain orientation of the films is highly consistent and the growth quality is excellent. The bending performance test shows that it has excellent bending resistance, and its ferroelectric performance and the direction of polarization of ferroelectric domains remain well while being bent at the radius of 1.4 mm and 2.2 mm and after being bent for 10000 times at the radius of 2.2 mm. The hysteresis loop does not change much, which can meet the basic requirements of device.
The ferroelectric thin film structure grown on a transparent flexible mica substrate is capable of maintaining excellent ferroelectric properties after being bent 10000 times at a millimeter radius and has a high temperature resistance to meet the basic requirements of the next generation of flexible wearable device. And in addition to the low cost of preparation, it has the potential of large-scale application.
Keywords Flexible Ferroelectric thin film Memory Wearable device
1绪论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2铁电材料介绍 2
1.2.1铁电体 2
1.2.2铁电薄膜 3
1.2.3铁电存储器 4
1.3研究内容 5
2.实验方案设计与研究方法 7
2.1铁电薄膜的制备方法 7
2.1.1溶胶凝胶法 7
2.1.2磁控溅射法 7
2.1.3脉冲激光沉积技术 7
2.2制备工艺 8
2.3铁电存储器性能测试 9
2.3.1结构性能测试 9
2.3.2电学性能测试 9
2.3.3柔性性能测试 9
2.4主要实验仪器工作原理 9
2.4.1脉冲激光沉积系统(PLD) 9
2.4.2磁控溅射仪 11
2.4.3AFM和PFM 11
2.4.4XRD衍射仪 13
2.4.5铁电测试仪 14
3.柔性铁电存储器的柔性和铁电性能测试 15
3.1结构性能分析 15
3.2铁电性能分析 18
3.3柔性性能分析 19
3.4本章小结 27
结论 28
4.1实验结论 28
4.2展望 28
致谢 29
参考文献 30