关键词 立方星 合页 太阳能电池阵 展开帆
Title Design of two deployable solar array on cubesat
Abstract :Cubesat is new technology which has developed rapidly in recent decades.It has abvious advantages,such as low cost,high power density,short development cycle,small volumn and so on.The research of cubesat in foreign countries is relatively mature,while the domestic is still in early development stage.
With more and more complicated function of cubesat, satellite load increased, the power that the satellite required is also increasing,so the deployable solar array must be designed to increase the surface mounted area of solar array. This paper will emphatically introduce two kinds of novel hinge, for the deployment of large area of solar panels. On this basis ,completing the detailed design of the hinge, release mechanism, solar panels and the arrangement of the solar array.By using the SolidWorks to model and assemble the 3D model ,the simulation of Admas,and through the processed material objects to build the experimental model, finally completed the design and verification of the whole scheme.
Keywords cubesat hinge solar array deployable panel
1 引言 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 太阳能电池展开阵的研究现状 2
1.3 太阳能电池展开阵概述 3
1.4 主要研究内容 5
2 太阳能电池展开阵的整个系统组成 6
2.1 电池展开阵展开方案的设计 6
2.2 释放机构的设计 8
2.3 电池阵帆板基板的设计 11
2.4 电池阵的布片 12
3 立方星二次展开太阳能电池阵合页结构的具体设计 15
3.1 合页1的结构设计 15
3.2 合页2的结构设计 20
4 三维模型的ADAMS运动学仿真分析 25
4.1 ADAMS运动仿真分析的一般过程 25
4.2 ADAMS运动仿真分析的具体过程 25
4.3 仿真结果及后处理分析 32
结论 40
致谢 41
参考文献 42
附录A 43
1 引言
1.1 研究背景
1.1.1 立方星的简介
立方星指的是一种采用专用设计标准制作的微小卫星。美国加州理工州立大学(Cal Poly University)与斯坦福大学(Stanford University)在1999年首先提出了立方星这个概念[1]。立方星是以“U”为单位进行划分的,1U是指尺寸为10cmx10cmx10cm,质量大约为1kg。在此基础上,立方星可以增大为双单元“2U”(10cmx10cmx20cm)、三单元“3U”(10cmx10cmx30cm),甚至于六单元“6U”的立方星。图1.1所示是由南京理工大学微纳卫星团队自主研发的双单元立方星“NJUST-1”[2],“NJUST-1”卫星的研制是响应欧洲委员会下属第七框架协议QB50项目[19],于2015年9月与其他49颗微纳卫星一同搭载我国长征系列火箭发射入轨。入轨后通过如图1.2所示的“P-POD”装置,用弹簧将卫星弹射出去,使其真正成为一颗纳卫星[3]。