
本文主要以动车组滚动轴承为研究对象,以滚动轴承全寿命周期数据为样本,通过时 域分析方法提取多个特征参数,基于 SVDD 列车智能评估系统建模分析,对滚动轴承的 性能退化做了有效评估






关键词: 动车组;滚动轴承;时域分析;性能退化评估

Research on Performance Evaluation of EMU Rolling Bearings

Abstract: With China's opening to the outside world and its all-round development, it has also been accompanied by the rapid development of high-speed railways, which has made people from all walks of life pay more and more attention to the safety of high-speed railway operations. As an important part of the bogies of EMUs, the rolling bearings have a direct impact on the smooth running and safety of the EMUs. If the performance of the rolling bearing can be effectively evaluated during the operation of the equipment, the production and maintenance of the equipment can be reasonably organized and the reliability of the equipment can be improved.

This article uses the life cycle data of the rolling bearing obtained from the test bench.

The work is as follows:

(1) Feature Extraction: In the time-domain processing method, the feature parameter indicators are extracted and the waveform analysis is used to analyze the state and identify the performance of the rolling bearing.

(2) Evaluation model: Based on the design and analysis of SVDD intelligent evaluation system, an effective evaluation of the degradation of rolling bearing performance is conducted.

The research shows that based on the analysis of feature parameter index and analysis model based on wavelet packet-SVDD, the performance degradation assessment of rollingbearing can be realized.

KeyWords:Olling bearing; Time domain analysis; Performance degradation assessment


1 绪论 1

1.1课题的研究背景 1

1.2课题的目的与意义 1

1.3国内外研究现状 2

1.3.1失效分析与故障诊断 2

1.3.2性能退化评估 3

1.4课题的主要内容 4

2 动车组滚动轴承故障特征及分析方法 5

2.1滚动轴承的基本概念 5

2.2滚动轴承故障的基本形式 6

2.3滚动轴承的振动 6

2.3.1滚动轴承的固有振动 7

2.3.2滚动轴承制造或装配的原因引起的振动 7

2.3.3承载状态下滚动轴承的振动 7

2.3.4滚动轴承的异常振动 7

2.4滚动轴承常用的信号分析方法 9

2.4.1时域分析 9

2.4.2小波包分析理论 10

2.4.3频域分析 13

2.5本章小结 16

3 支持向量数据描述(SVDD) 17

3.1支持向量数据描述的基本概念 17

3.2支持向量数据描述的算法 18

3.3本章小结 19

4 滚动轴承性能退化特征参数研究 20

4.1特征参数指标的提取及研究分析 20

4.2本章小结 24

5 性能评估系统设计实现及验证 25

5.1系统界面设计流程 25

5.2GUI评估系统的界面设计 26

5.3评估系统的实现 26

5.3.1样本数据输入及SVDD建模 27

5.3.2待测数据输入 27

5.3.3评估结果分析 29

5.4本章小结 31

6 结论与展望 32