关键词 :营改增,财务,税务,建筑行业
Research on the influence and countermeasures of "BT to VAT" on construction Enterprises- S company
Abstract:It can be seen from the contents of relevant taxation policy regulations promulgated in recent years by our government departments.the scope of “ reform of replacing business tax to VAT” has expanded to include four major industries: construction, real estate, finance, and life services. As one of the pillar industries of the country, the construction industry, due to its operating characteristics, involves many industries and will also affect the employment of the labor force. So, the practice of increasing the number of operations in the construction industry will have a certain impact on the country’s macro economy. However, because of the characteristics of the construction industry,the amount of tax deductible is limited, and it is very difficult to implement “ reform of replacing business tax to VAT”. This passage takes the S construction company as an example to analyze how the affects the financial, taxation, and management aspects and proposes corresponding countermeasures. The study of this article is how to further deepen the taxation reform for the country, how to promote structural tax cuts, and use the taxation policies of the construction industry, so that the company's follow-up tax planning, operation and management are all promoted, and conducive to better and faster development of related companies. It is the significance of this study.
Key Words: Business tax change VAT, finance, taxation, construction industry
一、引言 1
(一) 选题背景 1
(二) 研究意义 1
(三) 研究内容和方法 1
1、 研究内容 1
2、 研究方法 1
二、相关概念及理论基础 2
(一) “营改增”相关概念 2
1、 增值税的概念 2
2、 营业税的概念 2
3、 两个税种的比较 2
(二) “营改增”的历程 3
1、 “营改增”进程 3
2、 “营改增”试点效果 4
(三) 建筑业“营改增”理论介绍 5
1、 概念界定 5
2、 建筑业“营改增”的理论基础 5
三、S建筑企业经营情况分析 6
(一) S企业基本概述 6
(二) S建筑企业财务现状分析 6
四、“营改增”对S建筑企业的影响 8
(一) 在财务层面所产生的效应 8
1、 会计核准方面的效应 8
2、 发票管理方面的效应 8
(二) 营改增”对S建筑企业的税务影响 8
1、 简易计税项目 8
2、 一般计税项目 9
(三) 营改增”对S建筑企业的经营影响 13
1、 对经营成果的影响 13
2、 对企业设备更新的影响 13
五、 “营改增”的对策措施 14
(一) 营改增”对S建筑企业财务影响的对策 14