随着财税体制改革的不断推进,会计人员的工作难度与复杂程度也在 进一步上升。从全面“营改增”到全面推进资源税改革,从水资源税试行到环保 税试行,从扩大水资源税试点到提高个税起
关键词:水资源税 费改税 会计 河北省
Abstract:Currently, with China's economy rapidly and promisingly developing, the system of institutions in various fields in China has been gradually detached from its extensive state and gradually began to improve. While the state has stepped up the reform and updating of the fiscal and taxation system, the system in the country’s economic sphere is constantly changing, developing and improving, such as the fiscal system, taxation system, and accounting system. As a result, the work of accounting staff in China has become more complicated and persified.
In order to speed up the reform of China's fiscal and taxation system, and also to protect the quality of China's water environment, the state has carried out the water resource fee reform policy in China's history for the first time, and over a year has passed, the reforms have achieved many remarkable results.
This topic is based on the practice of the reform of the taxation of water resources in Hebei Province, and based on theories of water resource taxation, comprehensive water price theory. It examines water resource fees and taxation as the object, and examines the water resources fee and the water resources tax. The relationship, in-depth analysis of the nature of water resources tax reform, from the aspects of value-added tax invoices, taxation, accounting and accounting treatment, accounting statements, changes in accounting estimates, Corporate tax management and accounting industry personnel development requirements to specifically discuss the impact of water resources taxes-for-fees on business accounting.
Key words Water resources tax Tax-for-fees Accounting Hebei Province
目录绪论 1
1、概述 2
1.1研究背景 2
1.2研究目的和意义 2
1.3水资源税定义 3
1.4“费改税”概述 3
1.5河北省水资源税改革背景 4
2、水资源税改革的效益 6
2.1社会环境效益 6
2.2企业经济效益 7
3、水资源税改革对会计的影响 9
3.1对发票的影响 9
3.1.1对增值税发票的影响 9
3.1.2对税票的影响 9
3.2对账务处理的影响 10
3.3对财务报表的影响 10
3.4对会计估计的影响 11
3.5对企业纳税管理的影响 11
3.6对会计的人才发展要求的影响 11
4、案例分析——某钢股份 12
4.1公司简介 12
4.2水资源税改革对“某钢”的影响 12
4.2.1数据分析 12
4.2.2其他影响 14
5、结论与展望 15
致谢 16
参考文献 17