关键词:冬小麦; 绿叶数; 冠层温度
In mid and late winter wheat leaves and the relationship between canopy temperature
Abstract: In recent years,the infrared thermometer was used to observe and measure the temperature of winter wheat population. The results showed that winter wheat had different expression of temperature and low temperature. The use of BT20 type infrared temperature were measured winter wheat cultivar Jing 411,Luo Mai 9,Xiaoyan 81,No. 1 week of rye, Luomai 22, Bainong 160 heading stage,flowering stage,milk stage,dough stage and mature stage temperature,reasonable sampling observation to be measured materials at heading stage, flowering stage,milk stage,dough stage and mature stage,the number of green leaves. It was found that the relationship between the number of winter wheat varieties and the canopy temperature was close,and the number of the green leaves of the low temperature type wheat was higher than that of the temperature in the early stage or late stage.
Key Words: Winter wheat; Number of green leaves; Canopy temperature
目 录
摘 要 1
关键词 1
Abstract 1
引言 1
1.材料与方法 2
1.1 材料 2
1.1.1 材料来源 2
1.2 方法 2
1.2.1 实验设计 2
1.2.2 冠层温度的测定 2
1.2.3 绿叶数的观测 3
1.2.4 数据分析 3
2.结果与分析 3
2.1 冬小麦不同品种中后期冠层温度的测定结果和分析 3
2.2 冬小麦不同品种中后期绿叶数的变化状况和分析 4
3.讨论与结论 7
3.1 讨论 7
3.2 结论 7
参考文献 9
致谢 10
冬小麦作为华北地区种植的主要粮食农作物,备受国家和人民的关注[1]。但随着我国耕地面积不断减少,人口数量日益增加的矛盾,我国的粮食生产面临着很严峻的挑战,因此对小麦品种选育提出了更高的要求。而我们华北地区大多数种植的都是冬小麦,冬小麦因其诸多良好的产量特性而备受人们的重视[2]。众所周知,叶片是小麦最为重要的光合物质生产场所,即光合物质生产的源,如果叶片衰老过快,源的枯歇,意味着小麦的减产。因此,叶片衰老速度的快慢是小麦高产与否的一个先决条件之一。而又有研究认为温度深深的影响着小麦的衰老过程,大多数情况下,高温是小麦衰老的催化剂,同时也会使相应植株的绿叶持续减少和叶子的绿色面积持续缩减。再者,很多学者研究认为冬小麦中后期温度偏低,有助于延迟小麦的过早衰老和增加小麦的籽粒重[3]。然而,当前全球气候变暖,温室效应已成事实,在这种环境下如何提高小麦产量? 选择培育冷温型基因型小麦新品种无疑是发展优质、高产、高效的农业的出路之一[4]。所以,优化冬小麦品种的温型表现,选育出温度偏低型冬小麦品种,有希望成为新型农业的育种目标。而通过观测冬小麦植株的表观性状将会有助于更加有效的选育出优质的育种材料[5]。
1.1 材料
1.1.1 材料来源