关键词 医院门诊楼 建筑设计 结构设计 框架结构 D值法 分层法
Title Architectural and Structural Design of a Hospital Building
Abstract:The graduation projection is architecture and structure design of a hospital building in certain area of Nanjing. This paper contains 1 to 4 floors architectural plans, south, north, east and west vertical plans, sectional design of two different directions, and the corresponding construction drawings. Structure design includes first floors design, one typical frame, the main staircase which is lead to roof of building, foundation design, and the corresponding construction drawings. At the aspect of structural design, the internal forces of frame under vertical load calculated with layered method, under horizontal earthquake calculated with D value method. This paper also check the frame beam moment on the vertical load with the computer calibration, comparing the results of PKPM calculations, analysis of the reasons for manual error.
Keywords Hospital building Architecture design Structure design Frame structure Multi-layer method D value method
目 次
1 工程概况 1
2 建筑设计 2
2.1 平面设计 2
2.2 剖面和立面设计 3
3 结构设计概述 5
4 楼盖设计 7
4.1 设计参数 7
4.2 结构布置 7
4.3 荷载计算 8
4.4 楼盖板设计 9
4.5 次梁设计 13
5 框架设计 22
5.1 截面尺寸 22
5.2 设计参数 22
5.3 荷载计算 22
5.4 内力计算 32
6 内力组合 42
6.1 框架梁内力组合 42
6.2 框架柱内力组合 47
6.3 框架柱内力值选取 51
7 框架梁结构设计 55
7.1 正截面设计 55
7.2 斜截面设计 59
8 框架柱结构设计 63
8.1 框架柱正截面设计 63
8.2 框架柱斜截面设计 69
8.3 框架节点设计 70
9 楼梯结构设计 72
9.1 设计参数 72
9.2 梯段板设计 72
9.3 平台板设计 73
9.4 平台梁设计 75
9.5 梯柱设计 77
10 基础设计 78
10.1 场地资料 78
10.2 设计参数 78
10.3 荷载计算 79
10.4 浅基础设计 81
10.5 地基梁设计 83
11 电算校核 85
结 论 94
致 谢 95
参 考 文 献 96
1 工程概况