

摘  要:农村留守儿童在教育方面存在的问题主要表现为厌学情绪严重、素质较低,留守儿童孤僻内向、冷漠且缺乏自信,这些现状已经成为农村留守儿童接受义务教育过程中面临的主要困境。家庭教育以及家庭监管的缺失,学校教育难以关注每一个学生,和社会各种错误的思想对思想意识薄弱的儿童的巨大的负面影响是造成留守儿童教育问题的主要成因。因此,打破城乡二元结构,大力发展农村以及落后地区的经济,促使农村劳动力回流;加强农村和经济落后地区学校的建设,增加学校教育的资源,建立针对留守儿童心理问题的咨询室,建成以学校教育家庭教育并进的教育体系,是解决留守儿童教育问题的根本对策。


Problems And Countermeasures in the Education of Left Behind Children in Rural Areas

Abstract: The left behind children's education mainly for the serious emotional weariness, behavior is not standardized, low quality, common psychological problems, has become a major dilemma left-behind children receive compulsory education in the process. The lack of family education and family supervision, school education is difficult to pay attention to every student, and a variety of social wrong ideas on the ideology of weak children huge negative impact is the main reasons causing the education problems of left behind children. Therefore, to break the two structure in urban and rural areas, vigorously develop the rural and backward areas of the economy, promote the rural labor; strengthen rural and backward areas of school construction, increase of education resources, the establishment of the psychological problems of left behind children the consulting room, built in the school education family education and education system, is the only way to solve the problem of the education problems of left behind children.

Key words: Left-behind children; Educational problem ; The way to deal with a situation

目  录

摘  要 1

Abstact: 1

前  言 2

一、农村留守儿童教育存在的问题 2

(一)留守儿童普遍厌学情绪严重 2

(二)行为不规范,素质较低 3

(三)心理健康问题 3

二、农村留守儿童教育存在问题的原因 4

(一)家庭教育以及家庭监管的缺失 4

(二)学校教育乏力 5

(三)大众传媒以及社会思想的负面影响 6

三、农村留守儿童教育问题的解决对策 7

(一)大力培养本地特色经济,从而提高本地工资水平 7

(二)加强学校与家庭的联系,充分发挥家庭与学校的作用 8

(三)建立针对留守儿童心理问题的心理咨询机构 8

结 语 9

注释 9

参考文献 11

致 谢 12


前  言


