Design of the 20T/h Continuous Stainless Steel Heating Furnace
Abstract: Paper starting from the history of the heating furnace, this paper introduces the classification of continuous heating furnace, and then is the theme of the design of the characteristics of the stainless steel heating furnace, and at last the furnace at home and abroad in the future trend of development. This design topic is 20 t/h stainless steel continuous furnace design, in reference to the design and calculation on the basis of the existing related literature, from the burning ingredients, products of combustion, the combustion temperature, and then from the stove heating time calculated the size of the data, such as fuel consumption are obtained by the calculation of heat balance, again, again by fuel consumption data to determine the burner, such as the choice of air heat exchanger, step by step to the final determination of flue chimney.
Keywords: stainless steel continuous heating furnace; heat; design
1 绪论 1
1.1 连续式加热炉 1
1.1.1 连续式加热炉分类 1
1.1.2不锈钢与碳钢的差异 2
1.1.3 不锈钢连续式加热炉的特点 3
1.2 加热炉的组成部分 3
1.2.1 炉膛 3
1.2.2 炉墙 3
1.2.3 炉顶 4
1.2.4 炉底 4
1.2.5 排烟系统 5
1.3 加热炉耐火材料的选用 6
1.4 加热炉的发展趋势 6
2 燃料燃烧计算 8
2.1 已知条件 8
2.2 燃料干湿成分的转化 8
2.3 空气需要量和燃烧产物量及其成分的计算 9
2.3.1 气体燃料燃料低发热量 9
2.3.2 理论空气需要量 9
2.3.3 实际空气需要量 9
2.3.4 燃烧产物量 10
2.4 燃烧产物密度计算 10
2.5 理论燃烧温度的计算 11
2.5.1 理论燃烧温度的确定 11
2.5.2 实际燃烧温度 11
3 钢胚加热时间的计算 12
图3.1 三段式温度曲线 12
3.1 确定炉子主要尺寸 13
3.2 CO2和H2O的分压 13
3.3 各段炉气黑度 14
3.4 各段炉壁对金属表面的角系数 14
3.5 各段传热系数 15
3.5.1 辐射传热系数 15
3.5.2 对流传热系数: 15
3.5.3 综合传热系数: 15
3.6 加热时间计算 16
4 炉子尺寸计算 17
4.1 炉长计算 17
4.2 炉底有效面积及总炉底面积 18
4.3 炉底面积有效利用率 18
4.4 炉底强度 18
5 热平衡计算及燃料消耗量的确定 19
5.1 热量收入项 19
5.1.1 燃料燃烧的化学热或电能转变的热Q1 19
5.1.2 预热空气i带入的物理热Q2 19
5.2 热量支出项目 19
5.2.1 钢坯加热所需热量Q1’ 19
5.2.2 出炉烟气带走的热量Q2’ 19
5.2.3 燃料的化学性不完全损失燃烧的热量Q3’ 20
5.2.4 燃料的机械不完全燃烧损失的热量Q4’ 20
5.2.5 炉子砌体散热及蓄热损失的热量Q5’ 20
5.2 炉顶结构 21
5.2.6 炉门辐射孔辐射损失热量Q6’ 22
5.2.7 冷却系统带走的热量Q7’ 22