


关键词:电液位置伺服系统 伺服液压缸

Design of electro-hydraulic position servo control experiment system

Abstract:This project is to design a set of electro-hydraulic position servo system test bench for students to demonstrate the experimentality of electro-hydraulic servo, mainly for students to run and run in the laboratory. This experiment uses electro-hydraulic position servo system and is mainly used for teaching research. , The use of a few times, no more than 20 hours a week work, the system can be used normally, under the maximum load conditions to work under the working pressure of the cylinder is not higher than 5 MPa, the average speed of up to 80 mm per second. To be able to simulate a variety of load conditions, the load cylinder needs to have an inner diameter of not less than 63 mm and a load pressure greater than 5 MPa. To ensure the stability of the system, a constant pressure source is used, and oil cooling can be used to cool the oil tank. Use two sets of oil pump systems to reduce the mutual interference between them. The maximum mass of the load mass is 80 kg, and the load is 51,000 Newtons. The maximum stroke of the double-rod hydraulic cylinder is 244 mm and the control stroke is 200 mm. The main calculations and research directions of the course are simulated by MATLAB, and corrected in series with a lead or lag correction. The other part is the calculation and design of the servo cylinder, the overall design and installation of the cylinder, and the construction of the entire test bench.

Keywords: electro-hydraulic position servo system servo cylinder.


第一章 绪论与引言 1

1.1课题介绍 1

1.2国内外研究现状 2

1.3主要设计内容 3

第二章 方案的设定 4

2.1 伺服液压缸的出杆形式 4

2.2负载形式导轨与小车形式 7

2.3液压伺服系统回路设计 8

第三章 伺服理论计算 9

3.1液压缸速度、负载、功率的初步计算 9

3.2确定传递函数 12

第四章 伺服液压缸部分计算设计及其相关设备选择 14

4.1计算伺服液压缸的导向长度以及伺服液压缸筒的壁厚的强度校核 14

4.2活塞杆的强度和稳定性校核 15

4.3液压缸密封的选择与使用。 16

4.4活塞、活塞长度、导向套和及其液压缸筒长度、整体连接的选择及其验算 16

4.5蓄能器、位移传感器、直线导轨的选择 20

第五章 总结 21

第六章 感谢 22

参考文献 23

第一章 绪论与引言

