本文从不同的层面分析财务共享服务中心的概念,运营机理,中心目标和主 要特点之后,通过调研用友公司成功帮助的多家企业。
Research on the model of Financial Sharing Service Center and its evaluation
Abstract: With the development of economy and society, more and more local enterprises in China want to become more powerful. But there are many problems in the process of development, such as the expansion of business scale, the decentralization of business places and the persification of organization personnel. Company decision makers are more dependent on the role of the financial department and require the financial department to provide more information for decision making. Chinese enterprises are bidding farewell to the 1 era of financial management with the core of "three in one", transforming into the 2 era with "shared services" as the core.
Based on this, this paper is based on the analysis of the success of the company to help many enterprises to realize financial sharing, combined with the related theories of the Financial Sharing Service Center and the enterprise operation model, based on the status of the major enterprises. By means of the evaluation model and questionnaire of enterprise performance, this paper collects and collects the related factors that affect the mode operation of the Financial Sharing Center for the reference of the managers concerned.
Key words: Financial Shared Service Center; operation mode; enterprise performance; UFIDA company.
一、绪论 1
(一)研究背景 1
(二)研究意义 1
(三)研究方法 1
二、财务共享服务中心研究概况 3
(一)相关文献 3
(二)文献述评 4
三、财务共享服务中心模式运营机理 5
(一)财务共享服务中心的内涵 5
(二)财务共享服务中心在企业中运营状况 5
(三)财务共享服务中心组织结构 6
(四)财务共享服务中心功能 6
四、用友公司帮助多家企业实现财务共享服务中心模式分析 7
(一)各企业建立财务共享服务中心动因 7
1、碧桂园企业 7
2、中国移动 7
3、中国国旅集团有限公司 7
(二)各企业财务共享服务中心建设历程 8
1、碧桂园企业 8
2、中国移动 8
3、中国国旅集团有限公司 9
(三)各企业实施财务共享服务中心业务运营流程 10
1、碧桂园企业 10
2、中国移动 10
3、中国国旅集团有限公司 11
(四)财务共享服务中心模式应用效果及价值 12
1、问卷设计与发放 12
2、调查基础数据 12
五、财务共享服务中心模式评价模型 15
(一)各环节指标及意义 15
1、顾客水平 16
2、财务水平 16
3、内部流程水平 16
4、学习与发展水平 16
(二)企业财务共享服务中心绩效评价模型的构建 16
(三)分析财务共享服务中心模式因素分析 20
六、研究结论与建议 21
(一)研究结论 21
(二)研究建议 21
致 谢 22
参考文献 23