摘要:植物表达载体是把目的基因送入宿主主细胞的中间媒介,构建载体是利用遗传转化方法进行基因功能鉴定与应用等研究的重要环节。在利用基因工程技术手段来研究探索基因功能的过程中,利用构建基因表达载体占据着转基因植物的十分重要的地位,使用恰当的构建方法会使实验或者研究更有效的成功。Gateway技术在植物表达载体的构建上,为推动CDNA文库的高效率构建和目的基因的高通量功能选择做出了很大的贡献,有可能推动动植物病原互作研究关键基因的鉴定以及克隆。本文主要通过Gateway技术以番茄基因SlMPK9 为模板,通过PCR克隆出目的基因,然后由BP反应构建入门载体以及LR反应构建目的载体将其转入到拟南芥中 ,从而得到特异性表达载体。通过成功构建载体使得更便于研究SlMPK9基因的抗病性和其他方面做出了重要贡献。
关键词 Gateway技术 基因克隆 植物表达载体 转化农杆菌
Cloning and Plant Expression Vector Construction of tomato gene SlMPK9
Abstract:Plant expression vector is the desired gene into the host intermediary host cells using genetic transformation vector is an important part of the method of gene function identification and application of research.To study gene function in exploring the use of genetic engineering techniques in the process, the use of gene expression vector construct transgenic plants occupy the position is very important to use an appropriate method of constructing experimental or research would be more effective success.Gateway technology in the construction of plant expression vector of the construct and the target gene to promote CDNA library of high-efficiency, high-throughput function selection made a great contribution, it is possible to promote animal and plant pathogen interactions to identify key genes and cloning .This paper mainly through Gateway technology SlMPK9 tomato gene as a template, the target gene was cloned by PCR, then constructed by the BP reaction entry vector and LR reaction destination vector construct to be transferred into Arabidopsis to obtain specific expression vector.By successfully vector makes it easier to study SlMPK9 resistance gene and others made important contributions.
Key words : Gateway technology Clone the plant expression vector Agrobacterium
摘要 5
引言 6
1.实验材料与方法 6
1.1材料 6
1.1.1实验材料 7
1.1.2实验仪器 7
1.1.3实验试剂 7
1.2常用药品配置 7
1.2.1常用抗生素配制 7
1.2.2常用培养基配制 7
1.2.3缓冲液配制 8
1.3实验方法 8
1.3.1PCR扩增 8
1.3.2纯化 8
1.4BP构建入门载体 8
1.4.1BP反应添加试剂 8
1.4.2转入大肠杆菌 9
1.4.3摇菌 9
1.4.4PCR 9
1.4.5琼脂糖凝胶电泳 10
1.4.6质粒提取 10
1.4.7保菌 11
1.4.8电泳 11
1.5LR反应构建目的载体 11
1.6农杆菌转化 11
2.结果与分析 11
2.1目的基因扩增 11
2.2BP构建入门载体 12
2.3LR构建目的载体 13
2.4农杆菌转化 13
3.结果与讨论 14
参考文献 15
致谢 17