

摘要: 本文旨在通过观察冬桃与黄桃两种嫁接桃树木在校内(奉贤海湾地区)5月到12月期间的物候期(萌芽率、成枝率、生长量与落叶量),以黄桃为对照组,比较冬桃与黄桃在同一条件下生长发育的差异性,研究冬桃在奉贤区大量栽培的可行性与其中的经济效益。观察过程中考虑到许多或可影响桃树物候期变化的各个因素,如降雨量、空气湿度、日平均温度、风力等,同时将不完整的观测期与盐碱地也列入影响因素范畴内。结果表明,黄桃拥有多个萌芽与发枝的阶段,且生长量较大,落叶较早,可提前进入下一生长阶段使果实产量增加;而冬桃萌芽率与成枝率皆较高,有较长的落叶周期,且枝条基本较短。因此,两种桃树均可在海湾地区发展种植。


Phenophase Observation and Study of Two Peach Trees in the Bay Area

Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to through the observation DongTao and peach peach trees in the school two grafting (fengxian bay area) during may to December of the phenological period (germination rate, graft rate, growth and deciduous), yellow peach as the control group, comparing DongTao and yellow peach under the condition of the same, the difference of the growth and development research DongTao in the cross of the feasibility of a large number of cultivation and its economic benefits. Given that many in the process of observation or the factors that can affect the peach tree phenology period change, such as daily average temperature, rainfall, air humidity, wind, etc., at the same time will be incomplete evaluated and saline-alkali land is also included in the category. The results showed that the yellow peach had multiple stages of germination and shoot, and the growth was larger, the leaves were early, and the yield of fruit could be increased in the next growth stage. However, the germination rate and yield of winter peach were both higher, with longer leaf litter  

and shorter branches. Therefore, both kinds of peach trees can be cultivated in the bay area.

Keywords: Phenophase; climate; difference ; planting advice;


1. 绪论 1

1.1 前言 1

1.2 文献综述 2

1.2.1 萌芽力 2

1.2.2 成枝力 2

1.2.3 枝条生长量 3

1.2.4 落叶量 3

2. 材料与方法 5

2.1 材料 5

2.1.1 冬桃 5

2.1.2 黄桃 6

2.2 观测方法 7

2.2.1 萌芽率的测定 7

2.2.2 成枝率的测定 8

2.2.3 生长量的测定 8

2.2.4 落叶量的测定 8

3. 结果与分析 10

3.1 萌芽率 10

3.2 成枝率 12

3.3 生长量 14

3.4 落叶量 19

4. 讨论与结论 22

5. 参考文献 23

6. 致谢 24

1. 绪论

1.1 前言


