目 录
摘 要 1
引 言 2
1. 材料和方法 3
1.1 材料来源 3
1.2 理化性质分析分析 4
1.3亚细胞定位, 跨膜与疏水性分析 4
1.4 电子表达、保守结构域分析 4
1.5 二级结构和三级结构预测,对三级结构预测结果的评价 4
1.6同源比较和进化分析 4
2. 结果与分析 4
2.1小麦COX VIIa序列的基本理化性质分析 4
2.2小麦COX VIIa序列亚细胞定位, 跨膜与疏水性分析 5
2.3小麦COX VIIa蛋白序列电子表达、保守结构域分析 6
2.4二级结构预测,结构建模及评价 7
2.4.1二级结构预测 7
2.4.2三级结构预测,对三级结构预测结果的评价 7
2.5 垂直同源序列的比较和进化分析 8
2.5.1小麦COXVIIa蛋白序列垂直同源序列的比较 8
2.5.2 进化分析 9
3. 结论与讨论 10
参考文献 11
致 谢 12
摘 要:小麦COX是细胞呼吸电子传递链的第四个中心酶复合物,在形成水的过程中可以给制造基本能量ATP提供电化学势能差,因此COX在细胞的呼吸过程中的意义重大。从NCBI数据库中下载小麦COXVIIa序列,利用生物信息学相关的软件、技术和方法,对其基本理化性质、电子表达、高级结构等方面进行分析和预测。结果表明,小麦COXVIIa基因序列长度为499bp,编码69 个AA,其中18种氨基酸的相对含量差异较大;该蛋白是一种定位于线粒体中的稳定疏水性蛋白,其在36-58AA处存在一个跨膜螺旋区,且1-35 AA (N端)位于膜外,59-69AA (C端)位于线粒体内膜;该基因的电子表达分析表明,在花、花冠、花序、根、愈伤组织、茎秆、叶片以及种子中都有不同程度的表达,而在叶鞘中不表达;二级结构以α螺旋为主,用Swiss-Model进行建模,结果显示该蛋白的三级结构主要由2 段α螺旋结构组成,是α类蛋白;用DNAman构建进化树分析表明,小麦COXⅦa 蛋白与乌拉尔图小麦、大麦和二穗短柄草等植物中进化距离较近,与蓖麻、蒺藜苜蓿和麻疯树等植物中进化距离较远,在这些植物中COXⅦa基因的保守性较强。本文为深入研究小麦COXVIIa 基因的结构和功能提供了参考依据。
关键词:小麦;COXVIIa蛋白;序列特性; 进化分析
Sequence Characteristics and Biological Information Analysis of COXVIIa Protein in Wheat
Abstract: Wheat Cox is the cell respiratory electron transport chain center of the fourth enzyme complex.In the process of forming water, it can provide the basic energy ATP with electrochemical potential difference, therefore, COX protein is of great significance in the process of cellular respiration. The COXVIIa protein of Wheat was downloaded from the NCBI database, then, we predicted its basic theory of nature, electronic expression, transmembrane, hydrophobic, subcellular localization, and advanced structure, as well as conserved domains using bioinformatics softwares, technology and related methods. Results showed that wheat COXVIIa gene sequence is 499 bp length, encoding 69 AA, it consisted of 18 kinds of AA, and it is a stable hydrophobic protein, located in the mitochondrial. There is an obvious hydrophobic region in the 36-58AA position of the wheat COXVIIa protein sequence, and the N-terminal sequence (1-35AA) is located outside. the C-terminus sequence (59-69AA) is located in the mitochondrial inner membrane. The gene electron expression analysis showed that the flowers, corolla, inflorescence, roots, callus, stalk, leaf and seed have differently expressed, except in sheath. The secondary structure is mainly alpha helix, and the modeled high structure by Swiss-Model showed it mainly composed of 2 sections of alpha helix. Phylogenetic tree made indicated that it is close to the orthologs from Triticum urartu, Hordeum vulgare subsp.vulgare and Brachypodium distachyon, and far away from Ricinus communis L, Medicago truncatula, Jatropha carcas L. these plants Where the COXVIIa gene had highly conserved. The paper provided a reference for further studying on the structure and function of COXVIIa gene in wheat.