Study on effects of purple sweet potato extract on anti-fatigue and anti-oxidation in mice
Abstract Purpose: The anti-fatigue and anti-oxidation effects of purple sweet potato extract in C57BL / 6J mice were investigated. Methods: 20 healthy female mice of 12 weeks old were selected as animal materials. After one week of adaptive treatment, they were pided into four subgroups by weight: the control group, low dose treatment group of purple potato extract (100 mg/kg), middle dose group (200 mg/kg) and high dose group (400 mg/kg). After four-weeks feeding, one exhaustion swimming test was performed for all mice and the swimming times were recorded.
Then, all mice were sacrificed and the blood, liver and muscle tissues were sampled to measure the content of blood urea nitrogen (BUN), malondialdehyde (MDA), liver glycogen and muscle glycogen, respectively. The results showed that, compared with the control group, middle and high dose treatment group of purple potato extract significantly prolonged swimming time, reduced serum MDA content, and all dose purple potato extract-treated groups markedly reduced the serum BUN content of mice. In concussion, a certain dose of purple potato extract can significantly improve the anti-fatigue capacity of mice.
Key words: mice; purple potato extract; anti-fatigue resistance; antioxidant; MDA
摘要 1
Abstract 1
引言 2
1材料与方法 2
1.1材料与试剂 2
1.2仪器与设备 3
1.3小鼠处理与指标测定 3
1.3.1小鼠喂养及分组 3
1.3.2小鼠血清和组织的分离与提取 3
1.3.3小鼠体重测定 3
1.3.4小鼠竭力游泳时间测定 4
1.3.5血尿素氮BUN含量测定 4
1.3.6丙二醛MDA含量测定 4
1.3.7肝糖原和肌糖原含量测定 5
1.4数据分析 6
2结果与分析 6
2.1紫薯提取物对小鼠体重的影响 6
2.2紫薯提取物对小鼠竭力游泳时间的影响 7
2.3紫薯提取物对小鼠体内血尿素氮含量的影响 8
2.4紫薯提取物对小鼠体内丙二醛含量的影响 9
2.5紫薯提取物对小鼠体内肝糖原和肌糖原含量的影响 9
3讨论 10
参考文献 12
致谢 14