


关键词: 公路桥梁; 预应力; 箱梁

Design of Shiziliang Bridge

Design General Description: I chose the designing of Shiziliang bridge as my graduation design. The design results should meet the requirements of the country's current design specifications, after reading the task book carefully and taking into account of the construction difficulty, project cost, aesthetics and environmental protection and other factors, the final decision is to use three - span concrete prestressed continuous box girder. Box beam interface type is single box single room and variable height section , near the fulcrum at the roof, The bottom plate and web are internally thickened to facilitate prestressed steel bars. The beam is made of C50 concrete, and the prestressed steel bar is made of φj15 prestressed steel strand. The self-anchored wire drawing and anchoring system is used. All box girders are made of prefabricated methods, so that the beam can be erectedwhen the design strength is reached. This paper mainly introduces the design and calculation process of the bridge. First of all, according to the relevant terrain, geology, hydrological conditions, etc. to prepare three kinds of bridge structure of the main dimensions of the program comparison, through the technical and economic comparison to determine the best bridge type program, and then the upper structure design, the upper structure of the detailed size, Construction plan, the recommended bridge program operation and construction phase of the internal force calculation, and internal force combination, strength, stiffness, stability and other checks.

Keywords: Highway bridge; Prestressed; Box beam


1 绪论 1

2 设计资料 1

2.1 设计规范 1

2.2 设计依据 2

2.3 地质情况概述 2

2.4 相关资料 2

3 方案比选 2

3.1 构思宗旨 2

3.2 比选标准及设计原则 2

3.3 设计方案 3

3.4 方案比选 5

4 推荐方案尺寸拟定 6

5 Midas软件建立桥梁模型 7

主要材料指标 7

5.2 模型简介 8

5.3 荷载及组合说明 8

6 钢筋面积估算与钢束布置 9

6.1 预应力钢筋截面积估算 9

6.2 预应力钢筋布置 9

7 强度刚度验算 11

8 结语 43

1 绪论

