
The water flow of outdoor fire hydrants in this project is 40L/s, and the outdoor above-ground fire hydrants are arranged uniformly around the building around the building, with an interval of 80m. Se

    The water flow of outdoor fire hydrants in this project is 40L/s, and the outdoor above-ground fire hydrants are arranged uniformly around the building around the building, with an interval of 80m. Set up three water pump adapters. The water consumption of indoor hydrants is 40L/s, and the number of fire hydrants used at the same time shall not be less than 8, and the minimum flow rate of each hydrant is 5L/s, and the minimum flow rate of each vertical pipe is 15L/s. Hydrant protection radius is 28.1m. The length of hydrant filled water column is 11.45m. The fire hydrant arrangement spacing should not exceed 26.3m, and the number of vertical pipes should be 5. The total head loss is 0.048326MPa, and the working pressure of the hydrant at the most unfavorable point is 0.18925MPa. The lift required by the fire pump is 110m and the flow is 43.68l /s. Xbd12.5/45-125l-315 pump, parameters: 45 L/s flow, 125m head, DN125 pipe diameter, one standby. The effective volume of fire water tank is 370m cubed, and the effective volume of fire water tank is 26.208m2.

    The automatic sprinkler system of this project sets the danger level of the site as medium danger level I, and adopts the wet automatic sprinkler system. The square sprinkler head layout is adopted in the design. There are 16 sprinkler heads in the operating area at the most unfavorable point, and the operating area is 163.84 m2. The discharge rate of nozzle at the most unfavorable point is 61.44l /min, and the working pressure of nozzle at the most unfavorable point is 0.058mpa. The total pipeline loss is 1.047MPa, the output flow of the first layer is 3554.59L/min, and the system design flow is 1574.86 L/min. The xbd125/40-125l-315 type pump was selected. Its parameter flow rate was 40L/s, the head length was 125m, and the pipe diameter was DN125.

Key words: safe evacuation; Fire protection zones; Building fire 


1.绪论 8

1.1工程概况 8

1.2国内高层建筑消防安全现状 8

1.3国外高层建筑消防安全现状 8

1.4我国高层建筑消防设计中存在的问题 9

1.4.1消防管理问题 9

1.4.2结构设计问题 9

1.5高层建筑消防安全防控对策 9

1.5.1加强日常消防安全管理 9

1.5.2消防设计严格按照规范 10

1.6设计方案 10

1.7设计内容 10

1.8设计依据的规范 10

2.建筑总平面布置 12

2.1建筑物的建筑分类以及耐火等级 12

2.2建筑物材料的燃烧性能与建筑构件的耐火极限 12

2.3防火间距 12

2.4消防车道 12

3.建筑平面防火设计 13

3.1防火分区与防火分隔设施 13

3.2水平防火分区的划分 13

3.3垂直防火分区的划分 13

3.4防烟分区 13

4. 安全疏散设计 15

4.1疏散安全出口 15

4.1.1疏散安全出口的宽度 15

4.1.2疏散安全出口的数量 15

4.1.3疏散时间 16

4.2安全疏散距离 16

4.3消防电梯 16

4.4火灾应急照明与疏散指示标志 16

5.建筑灭火器配置 17

5.1灭火器配置场所的火灾类型和危险等级 17

5.2建筑灭火器的类型选择与设置 17

5.3建筑灭火器的配置设计 18

5.3.1划分计算单元和确定保护面积 18

5.3.2计算单元的需配最低灭火级别 18

5.3.3确定灭火器设置点数与各点的位置 19

5.3.4确定灭火器的类型、规格与数量 19

6.建筑防排烟系统设计 22

6.1.机械排烟 22

6.2机械排烟量的计算 22

6.3机械加压送风设计 22

6.3.1压差法 22

6.3.2风速法 23

6.3.3风机的选择 23

7.火灾自动报警系统 24

7.1概述 24

7.2火灾自动报警系统保护对象分级 24

7.3报警区域与探测区域的划分 24

7.3.1报警区域的划分 24

7.3.2探测区域的划分 24

7.4消防控制室 24

7.5火灾探测器设计与设置 25

7.5.1火灾探测器的选择 25