



Abstract:Marine transportation is one of the main logistics modes. In recent years, with the development of international economy and trade, the shipping industry is becoming more and more prosperous, and the number of the towing operation of ships at sea is increasing. While the ship is in the process of towing, it may inevitably encountered stormy weather and other harsh conditions, making the towing operation encountered great difficulties. In order to analyze the motion response of ship towing performance under harsh climatic conditions, guarantee the use and safety of towing operation, this paper collects the domestic and foreign relevant research literature, towing system through the data analysis, research status and trend of domestic and foreign ship towing system, using the classic ANSYS-AQWA software to establish the finite element model of tug and tow. Then determine the operating conditions and the environment load of towing operation, numerical simulation of the ship towing loads on the dynamic wind flow, ship towing response at different velocities is analyzed, finally carries on the examination to the towing process of cable tension, provide the basis and guarantee for the selection of design scheme, towing cable.

Keywords:Towing Operation,Finite Element Method,AQWA, the motion response, line tension


第一章绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2拖带系统的研究现状 1

1.2.1国外研究现状 1

1.2.2国内研究现状 2

1.3拖带系统发展趋势 3

1.4研究方案 3

1.5本章小结 4

第二章软件简介及有限元模型的建立 5

2.1ANSYS-AQWA软件简介[20-21] 5

2.1.1AQWA模块简介[15] 5

2.2有限元模型的建立 5

2.2.1120.1m沿海散货船主要参数 6

2.2.2120.1m沿海散货船有限元模型建立步骤 6

2.2.3拖带系统有限元模型的建立 13

2.3本章小结 15

第三章基本理论 16

3.1引言 16

3.2表面波理论 16

3.2.1表面波理论的基本方程和边界条件 16

3.2.2简单波浪理论 17

3.2.3辐射函数和绕射函数 18

3.2.4格林函数法 23

3.3环境载荷的计算 24

3.3.1波浪载荷 25

3.3.2风载荷 26

3.3.3流载荷 27

3.4本章小结 27

第四章水动力性能的计算与分析 28

4.1附加质量 28

4.2辐射阻尼系数 28

4.3一阶波激力随波浪入射角的变化特性 29

4.4平均二阶漂移力随波浪入射角的变化特性 33

4.5运动响应幅值算子随波浪入射角变化 35

4.6本章小结 39

第五章拖带系统运动计算结果分析 40

5.1环境载荷 40

5.2船舶拖带系统运动响应分析 40

5.3船舶拖带系统缆绳张力校核 50

5.4本章小结 52

结语 53

参考文献 54

致谢 56


