
本设计采用的工艺流程是从污水入水 → 到粗格栅初步过滤 → 经过集水井及提升泵房提升 → 再到细格栅处理 → 然后曝气沉砂池曝气 → 到三沟式氧化沟循环曝气 → 到二沉池沉淀 → 再到接触


处理原始的条件及数据:某城市污水处理要求生活污水流量:150000m³/d,进水水质为:BOD5=250mg/L, COD=550mg/L, SS=260mg/L。经过调研论证,处理后达到的水质标准为:BOD5=20mg/L, COD=80mg/L, SS=20mg/L。

本设计中污水BOD5浓度为250 mg/L, COD浓度为550 mg/L,SS浓度为260 mg/L,属于可生化性较好的水质。本设计采用的工艺流程是“从污水入水 → 到粗格栅初步过滤 → 经过集水井及提升泵房提升 → 再到细格栅处理 → 然后曝气沉砂池曝气  → 到三沟式氧化沟循环曝气 → 到二沉池沉淀 → 再到接触消毒池消毒处理 → 最后出水”的工艺。通过以上流程处理,出水水质本设计中所要求的标准。


Engineering of wastewater treatment process design

Abstract:Designed to build sewage treatment plants in the region, mainly used for urban sewage processing. City economy is developed, due to the complexity of composition of sewage and water quality change is very big, according to the design parameters of a given analysis, water quality in the area, can better biochemical nature, know better with biological treatment method and treatment of waste water, sewage, water quality high organic load its corresponding processing requirement is high also, such as the processing effect of BOD5 to achieve 92%, according to such a feature, in order to ensure that can achieve the desired effect, so you need to, to the operation of the sewage is a necessary for a better pretreatment, finally selected treatment process for the oxidation ditch process, compared to other technology, oxidation ditch technology has an obvious advantage, is the technological process is simple, convenient to operate and easy to manage, do not need early pond, good treatment effect, namely sludge digester and even don't need. Oxidation ditch process can run stability, organic matter in wastewater treatment performance is good, has the good governance effect and good operation effect. According to previous studies, treated with oxidation ditch process of BOD5 index average around 95%, oxidation ditch technology of hydraulic retention time is longer, sludge age longer, have bigger circulation of dilution water, a larger impact load of water also can withstand, the industrial wastewater of high concentration, oxidation ditch technology also has the strong ability to adapt, because of the oxidation ditch sewage sludge properties in slot on oxygen stability, less sludge production, so the simple convenient to management and operation cost and low cost, and investment in infrastructure.