摘要:黄金市场和股票市场在任何一个金融市场里都是十分重要的。近些年来我国股票市场持续动荡不安,国际黄金市场也令人难以捉摸。同时,国际黄金价格因其对外部信息快速准确的反应,在很多时候会代替国内黄金价格成为人们进行投资选择时的参考。这些使得人们开始对于国际黄金市场与股票市场的波动关系进行慎重审视。本文先是大致分析了国际黄金市场与我国股票市场的发展状况,然后从共同影响因素和替代效应两方面对两市波动率关系做出理论分析,随后又选取上证综指每日收盘价和伦敦黄金市场每日下午收盘价为样本,使用 Eviews软件,建立了 GARCH 模型、并在此基础上进行Granger 因果检验,实证结果表明:股市和金市的收益率都存在明显的ARCH 效应;而进行GARCH (1,1) 模型拟合后能够消除两市收益率的条件异方差性;我国股票市场和国际黄金市场之间存在波动溢出效应,但是这种效应是分阶段的、单向的。
A Study of the Global Gold Price’s and Chinese Stock Market’s Volatility, and their Relationship
Abstract: Gold market and stock market are important parts of financial markets. During the last couple of years, Chinese Stock Market has been through ups and downs and the Global Gold Market has also been confusing. At the same time, the Global Gold Price often replace Chinese Gold Price as the statistics to be referred to when people choose their investment products, because its quick and accurate reflection to the all kinds of information. These all make people reconsider the relationship between the Global Gold Market and Chinese Stock Market. This essay will describe the development of both markets and then analyses the relationship between the two markets' volatility theoretically. After that, Shanghai composite index and London Gold Market Price will be used in Eviews to build GARCH Model and go through Granger Causality Test. The results show: Stock market and the gold market yields are significant ARCH effect; GARCH (1,1) model can eliminate the conditional heteroscedasticity of the two cities' yields. There is a spillover effect between the stock market and the gold market, but the spillover effect of the stock market and the gold market is time-pision, one-way.
Key words: London Gold Market Price; Shanghai composite index; Volatility; GARCH Model
目 录
Key words1
一、文献综述 1
(一)关于国际黄金价格波动的研究 2
(二)关于国内股票市场波动性研究 2
(三)黄金价格波动与我国股票市场波动的关系 3
(四)总结 3
二、国际黄金市场与我国股票市场波动性关系理论分析 3
(一)国际黄金市场 4
(二)我国股票市场 4
(三)两市关系的理论分析 4
1.共同影响因素分析 4
2.替代效应分析 5
三、国际黄金价格与我国股票市场的实证研究 5
(一)数据的选取和处理 5
(二)描述性统计量 6
(三)ADF平稳性检验 6
(四)自相关性检验 7
(五)ARCH效应检验 8
(六)GARCH模型的建立 9
(七)波动溢出效应 9
四、 结论 10
致谢 11