Design Of Gas-fired Furnace Gas Heat Treatment Furnace
Abstract: This design object is a 10t gas-fired heat treatment furnace designed for the heat treatment of alloy steels.The design of the trolley furnace is adopted, and the temperature of the hearth furnace changes with time according to the prescribed heating procedure, so that the billet changes with the thermal system.A 2000 x 150 x 150 mm steel billet was heated to 840 °C at a rate of 50 °C/h and held at 840 °C for 8 hours. The furnace heat treatment cycle was 23.2 hours.Mainly consists of furnace structure, gas burner, gas pipeline, furnace lining, trolley, furnace bottom, bottom layout, air heat exchanger, air pipeline, trolley track, gas pipeline, furnace door and chimney, etc., in order to reduce Energy loss, using a full fiber lining.The design calculation mainly includes: calculation of fuel combustion, calculation of billet heating, determination of furnace size, calculation of heat balance and determination of fuel consumption; design of burners and selection of heat treatment components; design of heat exchangers; piping and flue Design; chimney design.The technical parameters of the heat treatment furnace are: furnace thermal efficiency (20%), unit fuel consumption (85.32 kg/t), and unit heat consumption (2500 kJ/kg).Use the drawing software AutoCAD to draw the drawings of the furnace structure and associated furnace parts.
Keywords: Heat treatment furnace; Full fiber; Heat exchanger; Pallet furnace
1绪论 1
1.1 热能 2
1.2 炉型 3
1.3 燃烧装置 3
1.4 换热装置 4
1.5 管道和排烟系统 4
1.6 设计初始数据 5
2燃料燃烧 6
2.1 发生炉煤气低位发热量 6
2.2 空气需要量 6
2.3 燃烧产物系列参数 7
2.4 燃烧温度 8
2.5 一炉钢坯数 9
3综合传热系数 10
3.1 炉膛主要尺寸 10
3.2 综合传热系数 11
4钢坯加热时间 14
4.1 钢坯的薄厚材 14
4.2 加热时间 15
4.3 热处理温度曲线 15
5加热期炉膛热平衡 16
5.1 炉膛热收入 16
5.2 炉膛热支出 16
5.3 加热期燃料消耗量 26
5.4 加热期炉膛热平衡表 27
6保温期炉膛热平衡 28
6.1 炉膛热收入 28
6.2 炉膛热支出 28
6.3 加热期燃料消耗量 29
6.4 保温期炉膛热平衡表 30
7一炉炉膛热平衡表和热处理炉性能表 31
7.1 一炉炉膛热平衡表 31
7.2 热处理炉性能表 32
8煤气烧嘴及热处理炉部件 33
8.1 选用依据 33
8.2 烧嘴布置和烧嘴选型 33
8.3 安装方式 34
8.4 台车部件 34
9空气换热器 36
9.1 已知数据 36
9.2 设计数据 36
9.3 设计方案 36
9.4 设计计算 37
10空气管道及风机 44
10.1 已知数据 44