



Abstract:Before the design, first of all to the data of parent ship for a corresponding understanding and analysis. The first step in the overall design is to estimate the main dimensions of the design ship by formula. After completing the estimation, the second step is to use the HULLSURFACE module for the surface profile design of the parent ship. After the completion of the bow stern hereditary part, the three parts are combined to produce HULL, and then through the previous calculation of the main scale of the affine transformation, the new ship surface line modeling. After the completion of the modeling work, you need to create a new deck surface DECK, to make the hull into a closed whole STABHULL. Then complete the pision of the work under the Geometry Editor module and complete the definition of the cabin in the Ship Model module, and finally in the Loading Conditions module under the typical load conditions, the design of the ship for the tanker, so the typical load is full loaded departure, full loaded arrival, ballast departure, ballast arrival, partially loaded departure and partially loaded arrival, some of the six kinds of loading conditions. Followed by the data and the output of the chart work, which is the main object of hydrostatic data and curves, Bonjeans’ curves, cross-sectional area curve and a variety of conditions such as the stability curve. Finally, the above work is completed after the data and chart the finishing calculation work to complete the static stability report and complete stability report.

Keywords:  NAPA; inland bulk carriers; overall design


第一章绪论 1

1.1油船的概念 1

1.2油船的发展现状与发展趋势 2

1.3主要研究内容 3

第二章油船特点 4

2.1油船的特点 4

2.2油船的总体设计 4

第三章油船船型与尺度确定 6

3.1选择主尺度时考虑的主要因素 6

3.1.1船长(L) 7

3.1.2船宽(B) 6

3.1.3吃水(d) 6

3.1.4方形系数(CB) 6

3.1.5型深(D) 6

3.2主尺度的选择 7

3.2.1确定主尺度取值范围的方法 7

3.2.2主尺度的第一次近似 7

3.3排水量校核 10

3.4舱容校核 10

3.5设计船航速及所需主机功率 11

3.6稳性校核 12

3.6.1初稳性高度 12

3.6.2横摇周期 13

3.7主要要素总结 13

第四章基于NAPA的船壳建模 15

4.1NAPA软件简介 15

4.2型线设计建模 15

4.3艏部建模HULLF 17

4.3.1初步生成艏部模型 17

4.3.2定义基本型线 19

4.3.3定义站号线、水线 20

4.3.4生成纵剖线 22

4.4艉部建模HULLA 23

4.4.1定义基本型线 23

4.4.2定义站号线、水线 25

4.5舯部建模HULLM 26

4.6生成船壳HULL 27