


关键词  调质器 高压水射流 有限元分析


Title   Structural design and Performance analysis of High Pressure water cleaning Conditioning device

Abstract:China's feed machinery is pided into four mainframe, and in which one of the more important is the granulator. It occupies a half of the industry in the livestock and feed industry. Now, despite the appearance of the performance of various indicators and mechanical design and manufacturing sectors, we have made very good progress in China, but the same style and foreign type of equipment, our country's granulator or has many flaws. Generally this defect in the structural design of the unreasonable, the production efficiency is not high, relatively high energy consumption, the international competitiveness of China's products and therefore subject to great restrictions.conditioning is mainly responsible for solving the problem is what, and then I will introduce the quality of the prospective life and the current development of the situation, and I will briefly describe its structure Characteristics and working principle, on top of that, I designed a single-axis paddle-type modulator as the basis for research and development of special high-pressure water cleaning mechanism. I use this body to clean the internal scope of the modulator as the object of study, analysis and evaluation of the effect of cleaning design, while the body of the finite element of the stress and strain analysis, the load under the circumstances of the image to determine whether the design need.

Keywords Conditioning device High pressure water  Performance analysis


1 绪论 3

1.1 课题研究背景及其现实意义 3

1.2国内外研究与发展现状 3

1.2.1单轴桨叶式调质器 3

1.2.2双层、三层调质器 4

1.2.3蒸汽夹套以及热夹调质器 5

1.2.4 双轴异径差速调质器 5

1.2.5 高效调质器 6

1.2.6釜式调质器 7

1.2.7 超级调质器 7

1.3课题研究内容以及方法 8

2调质器主要参数设计 9

2.1调质器直筒设计 9

2.2其他主要参数设定 12

3高压水清洁型装置的设计与分析 13

3.1总体清洁方案 13

3.1.1清洗方案的设计和确定 13

3.1.2 清洗范围的选择和分析 15

3.2 支撑管的设计 19

4 零件图与装配图 22

4.1零件图 22

4.2装配图 23

5  装置的有限元分析 25

5.1 有限元分析的流程 25

5.2 三维模型的建立 26

5.3 网格划分 27

5.4 静力分析结果 27

结论 34

致谢 34

1 绪论

1.1 课题研究背景及其现实意义