关键词 三相异步电机 SVPWM 模糊PID STM32
Title Research on Servo Motor Speed Control in Industrial Handling System
Abstract:Servo motors play an extremely important role in industrial handling systems. However, with the requirement of the improvement of the level of intelligent and energy-saving, the three-phase asynchronous motors controlled by the traditional switches need to change the speed control. Therefore, the research of three-phase asynchronous motor speed control is one of the most popular and applied value in engineering.
This graduation thesis designs one kind of speed control systems with practical application, of which the master chip is STM32F103. The system uses the IPM module as the inverter circuit, and the design of double closed loop vector control (VC) is realized by using fuzzy PID and SVPWM technology.
Then, Simulink was used to simulate and analyze the system performance, and tested under existing conditions. The result proves that the design runs well and basically meets the requirement of small power motor speed regulation in industrial handling system.
Keywords Three-phase asynchronous motor SVPWM Fuzzy PID STM32
目 次
1 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景和意义 1
1.2 交流变频调速技术的历史及现况 2
1.3 本论文的主要内容 4
2 异步电机VC系统的研究 6
2.1 VC基本原理 6
2.2 VC坐标变换 6
2.3 异步电机的数学模型 8
2.4 SVPWM技术 14
2.5 异步电机VC方案的选择 20
2.6 本章小结 20
3 异步电机VC系统的实现 21
3.1 系统结构框图 21
3.2 模糊PID控制 21
3.3 本章小结 25
4 异步电机VC系统的硬件设计 26
4.1 STM32F103C8T6简介 26
4.2 主电路设计 27
4.3 检测电路设计 30
4.4 电源电路设计 31
4.5 通信电路设计 32
4.6 本章小结 33
5 异步电机VC系统的软件设计 34
5.1 STM32开发环境 Keil MDK v5简介 34
5.2 系统主程序设计 35
5.3 通信软件设计 35
5.4 PWM中断子程序设计 36
5.5 软件抗干扰措施 41
5.6 本章小结 42
6 异步电机VC系统的验证 43
6.1 系统仿真 43
6.2 实验验证 49
6.3 本章小结 54
结 论 55
致 谢 57
参 考 文 献 58
1 绪论
1.1 研究背景和意义
1.1.1 工业搬运系统