Design of the continuous heating furnace with coke oven gas ejector
Abstract: Since the beginning of the 21st century, China's economy has developed rapidly. In contrast, national demand for industry is increasing. The end of last century, the notice is the industrial production, in modern times, especially in recent years, both national and enterprise, the requirement of industrial increased, ensure the quality, not only to also want to protect the environment. From the perspective of environment, the development of heating furnace has not reached the ideal requirement. To improve the thermal efficiency of the heating furnace, more utilization of waste heat recovery to reduce fuel combustion and to protect the environment. In this paper, a continuous heating furnace is designed according to the given fuel, heating steel type and size, charging temperature, heating temperature and heating capacity.
Key Words:the continuous heating furnace with coke oven gas ejector ;energy;temperature
目 录
燃焦炉煤气连续式推钢式加热炉设计 i
摘要 i
Design of Pusher Type Continuous Reheating Furnace i
Abstract i
目 录 ii
1 绪论 1
1.1 加热炉概念 1
1.2 加热炉分类 1
1.3加热炉的一般组成部分 1
1.3.1炉膛 1
1.3.2炉墙 1
1.3.3炉顶 2
1.3.4炉底 2
1.3.5排烟系统 3
1.4 汽化冷却系统 4
1.5炉子的绩效评估 4
1.5.1热效率 4
1.5.2热损失 4
1.5.3减少热损失措施 5
1.6 高效炉的特性 6
1.7 国内外研究现状 6
1.8 设计的目的和意义 7
2 燃料燃烧计算 9
2.1 已知条件 9
2.2 空气需要量和燃烧产物量及其成分的计算 9
2.1.1理论空气需要量 9
2.1.2实际空气需要量 9
2.1.3燃烧产物量 9
2.3 燃烧产物密度计算 11
2.4 理论燃烧温度的计算 11
2.4.1理论燃烧温度的确定: 11
2.4.2实际燃烧温度: 12
2.5 一炉钢坯数及出钢间隔 13
3钢坯加热时间计算 14
3.1加热炉主要的尺寸确定 15
3.1.1.炉宽 15
3.1.2炉高: 15
3.1.3各段内表面面积 15
3.2有效射线行程: 16
3.3各段炉气温度: 17
3.4 的分压: 17
3.5各段炉气黑度: 17
3.6各段炉壁对金属表面的角系数: 18
3.7 各段炉壁对金属表面的综合辐射系数: 19
3.8 各段传热系数: 19
3.8.1辐射传热系数 19
3.8.2对流传热系数: 20
3.8.3综合传热系数: 20
3.9 加热时间计算: 20
3.9.1加热时间计算 21
3.9.2预热时间计算 21
3.9.3均热段加热时间计算 22
4 炉子尺寸计算 23
4.1 炉长计算 23
4.2 炉底有效面积及总炉底面积 23
4.3 炉底面积有效利用率 24
4.4 炉底强度 24
5 热平衡计算及燃料消耗量的确定 25
5.1热量收入项 25
5.1.1燃料燃烧的化学热量 25
5.1.2预热后的空气带入的物理热量 25
5.1.3金属发生氧化反应的化学热量 25
5.2热量支出项目 26
5.1.1.钢坯加热所需热量 26