




A Comparative Study of Enterprise Income Tax


Corporate income tax is a mandatory tax levied on enterprises in each country due to economic development or other needs to their respective jurisdictions. China has now formed a tax pattern of value-added tax first and the corporate income tax second.Therefore, the comparative study of corporate income tax has become a must, whether from academic or practical.If want to let the current tax law play a fundamental role in governance and attribution, reform’s the first step should let the principle of imposition relevant to capacity to play a macro guiding role in order to reflect the fair in the progress of tax collection; the second step should embody concrete measures that be carried out in the trend from points to lines and lines to faces.This paper analyzes and compares our country’s tax law with that in America,Britain,Japan and France in the perspective of the fairness and efficiency of taxation, and then gives improved advises in the area of the fairness and efficiency,the burden of the taxation and the happiness of people.

Keywords:Enterprise income tax; Comparison;The principle of imposition relevant to capacity; Legislative principles


0引言 1

1企业所得税的基本原理 1

1.1 我国企业所得税概述 1

1.2 量能课税原则的定位 2

1.2.1各方学者的研究 2

1.2.2量能课税原则的定位结论 3

2 企业所得税法比较 4

2.1美国企业所得税法的特点 4

2.1.1美国企业所得税改革历史 4

2.1.2中美企业所得税架构对比 6

2.2英国企业所得税特点 9

2.2.1英国企业所得税改革历史 9

2.2.2中英企业所得税框架对比 11

2.3 日本及法国的企业所得税法特点 11

2.3.1日本企业所得税的特点 12

2.3.2法国企业所得税的特点 13

3国内外比较得出的问题及剖析 14

3.1国内外比较得出的问题 14

3.1.1国际竞争力较弱 15

3.1.2地区间税收失衡 15

3.2 国内外比较得出的问题的剖析 16

3.2.1各国现行企业所得税形成原因分析 16

3.2.2未来的展望 17

4企业所得税比较得出的建议 18

4.1企业所得税比较得出的总体建议 18

4.1.1推进产学研进程 18

4.1.2加强体制透明度 18

4.1.3促进各方面的协调 18

4.2企业所得税比较得出的具体建议 19

4.2.1调整课税对象 19

4.2.2明确税收及范围 19

4.2.3放宽研发费用的列支标准 19

4.2.4强化税收优惠的政策导向 20

4.2.5税收优惠的政策导向 20

结论 21

致谢 22

参考文献 23


