摘 要:随着经济的发展,金融行业已逐渐成为现代经济的核心。银行业作为金融体系的主要内容,在整个经济体系中占有重要地位。信用风险做为最古老、最重要的风险,一直是是商业银行面临的最主要的风险。针对信用风险的研究也一直是金融研究中最活跃的领域。近些年来,我国经济发展迅猛,金融市场进入了较为繁荣活跃的时期。商业银行的发展也发生了巨大变化,由依靠政府职能保护的经济体向经营自主、风险自担的市场主体转变。但在发展的过程中,银行业所面临的挑战与所承受的生存压力也在不断加大。文章立足于银行业,研究了信用风险的影响因素,并对当前的商业银行信用风险管理现状和存在问题展开了论述,力图需找提高信用风险管理水平的方法,规避或减少商业银行所面临的信用风险,维护金融秩序的稳定。
Research on Credit Risk Management of Commercial Banks
Abstract:With the development of economy, the financial industry has gradually become the core of the modern economy. As the main content of the financial system, the banking industry occupies an important position in the entire economic system. As the oldest and the most important risk, credit risk has always been the most important risk faced by commercial banks. Research on credit risk has also been the most active field in financial research. In recent years, with the rapid development of China's economy, financial markets entered a more prosperous and active period. The development of commercial banks has also undergone tremendous changes, commercial banks need to obtain at its own risk and operate by itself, instead of being protected by government. But in the process of development, the challenges faced by the banking industry and the pressure they need to bear are also increasing. In the term of the banking industry, this paper studies the influencing factors of credit risk, and discusses the current situation and existing problems of credit risk management in commercial banks. It tries to find a way to improve the level of credit risk management, so that we can prevent or reduce the problems faced by commercial banks in credit risk, and the stability of the financial order will be maintain.
Keywords: commercial bank; credit risk; bad debt; credit risk management
0引言 1
1信用风险内涵和影响因素 1
1.1 信用风险内涵 1
1.2 信用风险的影响因素 2
1.3 信用风险表现形式 3
2商业银行面临的信用风险概况 4
2.1国外商业银行面临的信用风险概况 4
2.2我国商业银行面临的信用风险概况 5
3 信用风险管理现状及主要问题 5
3.1对信用风险管理重视程度不够且未形成良好的管理文化 6
3.2风险监管制度不健全 6
3.3科技力量投入低且主观因素的影响过大 7
3.4商业银行的内部信用评级体系不健全 7
3.5管理信息系统不完善且缺少专业的人才 8
3.6金融工具的创新导致了新的风险的出现 8
4提高商业银行信用风险管理水平的措施 9
4.1培养信用风险管理文化并建立科学的长效机制 9
4.2 提高信息的市场透明度并加强对商业银行的外部监督 9
4.3 引入大数据分析技术 10
4.4完善银行内部信用评级体系 10
4.5 健全信息系统化体系并加强风险管理队伍建设 11
4.6建立适应金融创新风险管理的监管体系 11
结 论 12
致 谢 13
参考文献 14