摘 要 :随着社会和生活的不断发展,高中生物课堂教学也发生了明显的改变。自2004年新课标颁布以来,周口市高中生物课堂教学从以前不重视,填鸭式转变为现在的以学生为主体,提高学生学习兴趣的多种教学方式。虽然我国教学改革有关模式的建构、评价、运用尚处于初期。但是随着现在新课改的推行,各高校教学课堂也出现了一些可喜的现象。本文是通过问卷调查、数据分析的方法进行统计分析的。结果表明随着新课程标准的颁布,生物课堂教学改革发生了明显的变化,大部分的学校以及教师都能够转变课堂教学方式,但有部分教师依旧墨守成规。从近五年的生物高考成绩可以看出,周口市高中课堂教学改革的有效性明显提升,学生的整体生物成绩也在逐步提升。
关键词 :周口市;生物;教学改革;高考成绩
Zhoukou City High School Biology Classroom Teaching Reform And the Achievement of the University Entrance Exam Correlation Analysis
Abstract:With the continuous development of society and life, the class teaching in our country has changed obviously. Since the enactment of the New Curriculum in 2004, Our biology class teaching has changed from the previous cramming method of teaching into a variety of teaching methods which presently based on students as subject, to improve students’ interest in learning. The construction, evaluation and application of the teaching reform models in our country is still in an early stage. However, with the promotion of New Curriculum, there has been some encouraging phenomenon in the university classes. This article through the questionnaire survey, data analysis method for statistical analysis. Results show that with the promulgation of the new curriculum standard, obvious changes have taken place in biology classroom teaching reform, most of the schools and teachers are able to change the structure of classroom teaching, but there are some teachers still rut. Can be seen from the nearly five years of creatures of the university entrance exam, zhoukou city high school classroom teaching reform of the effectiveness of the improved significantly, the students' overall biological performance are also gradually improve.
Key words: zhoukou city; Biological; The teaching reform; The university entrance exam
目 录
摘 要 1
引言 2
1.周口市高中生物课堂教学改革现状 3
1.1概况 3
1.2研究方法及研究对象 3
1.2.1研究方法 3
1.2.2调查对象 3
1.2.3数据处理 4
1.3结果与分析 5
1.4问题与思考 6
2.近五年高考成绩分析 6
3.结果与讨论 7
3.1培养学生的时代创新意识 7
3.2提高教师的专业能力和综合能力 7
3.3 实现多样化教学 7
3.4 做到以学生为主体,提升学习兴趣 8
4.小结 8
参考文献 8
致 谢 9
周口市高中生物课堂教学改革与高考成绩相关性分析 引言
高中是学生的学习过程中最重要的一个阶段,在初中阶段学生的得思维方式都比较简单,但到了高中阶段学生的思维方式会发生明显的转换,思维将更加理智、发散、敏捷,更有调理的安排自己的生活和学习[1]。高考对于学生来说是学生以后成长和发展的重要转折点,是学生实现理想的第一步,是学生多年来辛苦付出的回报。对于家长来说,高考是孩子对父母爱的回报。也是实现现代教育的真正目的, 我国《普通高中生物课程标准》已于2003年正式颁布,2004年高中新课程改革实施[2,3]。生物教学改革是把以往的生物课堂更加具体化,更加针对于高考方向,使学生们能够更加积极的应对高考,努力做好评估,实现高中生物课堂改革与高考成绩的巧妙衔接.此次研究可以清晰明确新课程的不足之处,更好的实施生物课堂教学改革,有效提高高考生物成绩[4]。