After the preliminary selection, with load calculation software for each type of room to carry on the load calculation, calculated from the upper part of the total cooling load in summer (including ai
After the preliminary selection, with load calculation software for each type of room to carry on the load calculation, calculated from the upper part of the total cooling load in summer (including air/full heat) is 1719436 W, and to choose types of air conditioners and related equipment according to the requirements. The type of fan coil is selected to calculate the amount of air required for the treatment of fan coil and the amount of cold required for the treatment of the return air of fan coil by enthalpy wet diagram, and then the type is determined according to the medium speed of fan coil. The model selection of fresh air units is determined according to the total fresh air volume and total cold air volume of each layer, and two new air units are placed in each layer.
After the equipment is selected, the pipeline layout of the fresh air system is carried out, the flow rate and flow rate of the air duct are calculated, and the resistance is calculated. The design is to minimize the resistance at the far end of the pipeline transmission and distribution and balance the resistance of each branch pipe. Then the pipeline layout of the water system is carried out. Based on the comprehensive consideration of the actual situation of the building, this system adopts closed system and sets up expansion water tank.
As the building is a twenty-two floors high-rise building, the chilled water is provided with the same side supply and two control systems. Then the water pipe is calculated by hydraulic calculation, so as to determine the pipe diameter and the most adverse loop resistance, and serve as the basis for selecting the pump.
After this is refrigeration equipment type selection, compare the advantages and disadvantages of cooling water units determine chiller type, choose chiller JSL950, 2 sets, by toatal air conditioning cooling load, and calculate the cooling tower capacity, Hydraulic head to choose cooling tower DBNL3-250, 2 sets. Cooling water pump, calculate flow and Hydraulic head, to choose the cooling water pump ISG250-315A, 2 in 1 case, calculate freezing water flow, head, choose frozen water pump ISG250-300, 2 in 1 case, and then choose expansion tank.
Finally to silencing imitation seismic design of building, and smoke control design, it belongs to high-rise buildings, with the method of mechanical smoke extraction.Calculate the air supply under pressure and select fan No10C 4-72.
1 前言 1
1.1 空气调节系统的定义 1
1.2 空调设计的目的、作用和设计的意义 1
1.3 常见的空气调节技术的现状、发展方向、技术优化和节能措施等 1
1.4 空调技术的最新进展 1
2 设计依据 2
2.1 工程概况 2
2.2 气象资料 2
2.3 室内设计参数 2
2.4 设计资料 3
2.4.1 建筑结构 3
2.4.2 计算软件 3
2.4.3 建筑物概况房间组成和面积 3
2.5 围护结构基本资料 4
3 空调负荷的计算 6
3.1 负荷计算方法和公式 6
3.1.1 外窗的温差传热冷负荷 6
3.1.2 外窗太阳辐射冷负荷 6
3.1.3 外墙和屋面传热冷负荷 7
3.1.4 内围护结构的传热冷负荷 7
3.1.5 人体冷负荷 8
3.1.6 设备冷负荷 8
3.1.7 灯光冷负荷 9
3.1.8 渗透空气显热冷负荷 10
3.1.9 散湿量与潜热冷负荷 11
3.2 夏季负荷统计 14
3.2.1下面是以大厦第7层一间客房的冷负荷计算为样例 14
3.2.2建筑物负荷统计: 19
3.2.3龙瑞大厦所有楼层夏季负荷统计 20
4 空调系统方案的确定 21
4.1 确定空调系统方案的因素 21
4.1.1 建筑要求 21
4.1.2 客房建筑空调特点 21
4.1.3 办公室建筑空调特点 21
4.2 可选方案比较 21
4.2.1空调系统分类 21
4.2.2方案比较 22
4.3 确定方案及理由 23
5 空气处理设备的选型 24
5.1 设备概述 24
5.2 风机盘管系统设计信息 24
5.3 风机盘管机组空气处理计算和选型 24