The task of computing the integrals in (2) is usually computational highly expensive due to the computational cost of the high-fidelity solvers used. The RDO problem If the objectives are defined in t
The task of computing the integrals in (2) is usually computational highly expensive due to the computational cost of the high-fidelity solvers used.
The RDO problem
If the objectives are defined in terms of the first two moments of the original objective function f and the constraints are still given in terms of deterministic inequalities constraints (y is a user specified deterministic design condition), the RDO problem can be simply stated as:
The task here is handling the constraints, which are now defined in terms of probabilistic inequalities . The RBDO problem can be formulated as (P0 is a target probability or reliability):
The RBRDO problem
Finally, both the constraints and the objective function are defined in terms of stochastic variables. The RBRDO problem can be formulated as a combination of eqs. 3 and 4 as:
The solution of S-SBDO involves the integration of expensive simulation outputs, for the evaluation of mean, variance, and distribution. To enhance the computational efficiency some methods have been developed by the authors and are illustrated in the following (geometry and grid modification methods will not be illustrated here, see [1] for these techniques).
3.1 Reducing the Design Space Dimensionality with KLE (Karhunen–Lòeve Expansion).
When the number of design variables is large (because of the complexity of the design, or because one is searching for large final improvements), the solution of the optimization problem becomes quickly extremely expensive. In a nutshell, what KLE provides is a tool for reducing this complexity by selecting a reduced number of design variables, and at the same time, giving the guarantee that a desired maximum geometrical variance is maintained. Even more important is to understand that results is provided by KLE without computing the objective function(s). The entire procedure is an “a priori” analysis of the geometries populating the original design space. The design space is populated by random geometries, and an eigenvalue problem is defined to analyze the statistical properties of these random designs, with focus on their geometrical variance.
The basic elements of the method (presented in [6]) are easily summarized. The shape design problem (before starting the optimization phase) is considered affected by uncertainty: i.e. the optimal design in, obviously, unknown and a uniform probability of occurrence in the design space is assumed. The design space is then sampled randomly: a number S of geometries or are generated (but no objective function evaluation is performed!) by using any arbitrary geometry deformation techniques (we have been using a Free Form Deformation technique, preferred since it allows high design flexibility and it is independent of grid topology) to sample the space.
摘要:本文描述一种在真实海况下对船舶的不确定性进行量化与设计优化的先进有效工具的发展过程。本文对比用于评估计算目标函数和约束条件的不同方法:用昂贵且高精度的方法比用现有方法区别在前者需要一个优化问题和解决问题的关键数学表达式,而用非定常雷诺兹平均Navier Stokes方程求解器(URANS)改进目标函数和约束条件的方法,也需要一个优化问题和解决问题的关键数学表达式。为了降低随机优化过程中的成本,作者和他们的同事已经开发一些改进措施:1)对高精度动态模型求解和随机模拟输出进行不确定性的量化;2)发展研究全局优化的进化型无导数算法;3)用Karhunen-Loève Expansion (KLE)方法提前找出减少大型设计空间维度方法从而减少对解决问题意义不大的基础功能(即设计变量)。最后给出了真实海况下船舶水动力设计优化的实例。