仿制的香水样品与Clavin Klein Euphoria Men香水原样在气味上已经有很高的相似度。经过多次试验后,最终得到优化后的配方。
摘要:Calvin Klein的香水如同其品牌形象一样,以其崇尚年轻化、无性别的理念,轻松活力又不失高品位的设计,因此而风靡全世界。本文以Calvin Klein的一款典型风格的男香和运动香水——Euphoria Men作为研究对象,深入研究了其香气的仿制技术。通过GC-MS的分析,结合感官嗅辨来确定该香水的香韵组成及主要使用的香原料,并初步拟定配方进行仿香。这是一款融合了性感与清新的男士古龙香水,前调使用了生姜和胡椒,中调则是罗勒、鼠尾草以及雪松,加上浓厚的后调——令人上瘾的广藿香、琥珀气味、巴西红木以及展现香气质感的乳脂麂皮,使它成为一款独特的男士香氛。通过大量实验不断对原配方进行了优化,其结果为辛香:11.2~18.4%,青香:2.35~4.7%,柑橘果香:3.1~4.0%,花香:22.42~43.3%,木香:15.1~17.8%,动物香:26.4~45.8%,豆香:0.4~0.7%,。最终获得了与样品香气最为接近的香水。经过三角测试的辨香实验,使仿制的Euphoria Men Calvin Klein for Men男用香水香精在香气组成、香气结构上都得到了较完整的诠释。
Research on Male Perfume Imitation of Calvin Klein Euphoria Men
Abstract: When it comes to Calvin Klein, its perfume is similar to the brand image, which is favored for its easy, vernal and nonsexual concepts all over the world. The paper studies one of the typical men's fragrances of Calvin Klein—Euphoria Men, to tell how to research and imitate the perfume of Calvin Klein Euphoria Men. Through the GC-MS and smelling, then make decisions about the initial composition and fragrance. Analyze how to select the raw materials for perfume imitation, how to optimize the formulas by experiments and how to obtain perfect in detail. Top notes are ginger and pepper; middle notes are black basil, sage and cedar; base notes are amber, patchouli, Brazilian redwood and suede. This perfume for men is list below: spicy: 11.2~18.4%,green: 2.35~4.7%, citrus: 3.1~4.0%,floral: 22.42~43.3%,woody: 15.1~17.8%, animal: 26.4~45.8%, coumarin: 0.4~0.7%,.Through a series of experiments on fragrance identifying, the scent and composition of the finished imitation perfume based on Calvin Klein Euphoria Men have been fully interpreted.
Keywords: Male perfume, Research, Imitation
1 绪论
1.1 香水的意义和用途
1.2 香水的发展