On the Translation of the Chinese Elements in the Film Subtitles from the Perspective of the Skopos Theory
Abstract:The rapid development of the film industry has prompted the Chinese elements to spread to the world. Externally promoting Chinese culture is a daunting task. Translation is an important communication method among the different linguistic cultures. As an emerging field of translation, the translation of the Chinese elements in the film subtitles is arousing quite intense interest.
This paper attempts to explore the strategies of the translation of Chinese elements in the film subtitles translation from the perspective of Skopos Theory. Through the combination of theory and practice of case study, it not only helps foreign audience have a better understanding of the excellent Chinese elements in the film subtitles translation, but also helps to find and correct its shortcomings at the same time. In conclusion, the Skopos Theory should be fully employed to guide the film subtitles translation practice so that the quality of the Chinese elements in the film subtitles translation can be improved.
This paper is pided into six parts. The first part briefly introduces the basic background of film subtitle translation and fundamentals of Skopos Theory. Part 2 discusses in detail about the origin and development of teleology and the major principles and evaluation criteria of the Skopos theory. The third and fourth parts explain the main cultural and linguistic factors that have great impact on the translation of movie subtitles. Part 5 summarizes how strategies for the translation of film subtitle elements are guided by the Skopos theory. Part 6 is the main conclusion that the purpose of translation is the primary issue of translation.
Key Words: Chinese elements, film subtitle, Skopos Theory
摘要:电影产业的快速发展促进了中国元素向世界的推广。对外宣传中国文化是一项艰巨的任务。翻译是一种极为主要的沟通方式,连接着不同的文化。 作为一个新兴的翻译领域,电影字幕中中国元素的翻译激发了人们极大的兴趣。
Acknowledgments i
Abstract ii
摘要 iii
1. Introduction 1
2. An Overview of Skopos Theory 5
2.1 The Origin and Development of Skopos Theory 5
2.2 Principles and Evaluation Criteria of Skopos Theory 5
3. Factors Affecting the Translation of Chinese Elements in the Film Subtitle 7
3.1 Cultural Features 7
3.2 Linguistic Features 2
3.3 Times Features 11
3.4 Role Features 13
4. Translation Strategies Guided by the Skopos Theory 16
4.1 Naturalization or Foreignization 16
4.2 Literal Translation or Free Translation 17
5. Conclusion 19
Bibliography 20
1. Introduction
Translation is an important communication method among the different linguistic cultures. Films, as a cultural carrier, also need to be translated into other languages. With the constant development of economy and the trend of cultural globalization, quite a few Chinese films pours into foreign countries, and the role of the translation of the Chinese elements in the film subtitles which is the significant tool of acquiring information and enjoying the entertainment becomes more and more essential. The high quality of the translation of the Chinese elements in the film subtitles can add brilliance to Chinese movies and attract more audience(Ji Tixin,2014). It can not only give the audience better enjoyment, but also promote the spread and communication among different cultures.