关键词 物权法 住宅建设用地使用权 自动续期
毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
Title Automatic Renewal Problem of the Residential Construction Land Use Rights
Abstract:Residential construction land use rights after the expiration of what kind of renewal should be adopted before and after the provisions of the law have been the focus of the community attention and enthusiastic discussion. To determine the automatic renewal is mainly to solve the residential construction land use rights and housing ownership of the contradiction between the real protection of citizens housing ownership and set up. However, in view of the special object of housing and the complex reality of the situation, China's current laws and regulations did not automatically renew the relevant content and the existence of many issues to make clear and clear provisions, which easily lead to dealing with specific problems Rules can follow, can not be, very detrimental to protect the legitimate rights and interests of citizens. In this system, how to determine the automatic renewal of the object, whether it is paid, the number of times and the number is the main problem to be solved. The solution of these problems can not only provide the corresponding theoretical framework for the construction of automatic renewal system, but also can promote our legislation in this area.
Keywords:Property Law;Residential Construction Land Use Rights; Automatic Renewal
目 次
1 引言 1
2 自动续期的必要性及存在问题 2
2.1 自动续期的必要性 2
2.2 自动续期存在的问题 3
3 住宅建设用地使用权的客体认定 5
3.1 住宅建设用地的认定依据 5
3.2 住宅建设用地的具体认定 6
4 自动续期的有偿与无偿问题 7
4.1 有偿续期理论 7
4.2 无偿续期理论 8
4. 3 有偿续期制度的合理性 9
5 自动续期的期限和次数问题 11
5. 1 自动续期的期限 11
5. 2 自动续期的次数 11
结 论 13
致 谢 14
参 考 文 献 15
1 引言
今年的两会期间,住房土地使用权到期后续期问题随着镜头再一次进入人们的视野。[ ]这又一次引起了人们对于住宅建设用地使用权到期后自动续期问题的深入探讨。人们之所以对这一问题持有如此大的关注,一是因为住宅这一特殊载体。住宅不仅具有满足城市居民的基本居住需求的功能,而且对于普通百姓而言又是巨大的资金投入,因此对于人们来说自动续期问题关乎切身利益。二是我国法律规定城市土地归国家所有,[ ]不论是作为商业用地还是居住用地都有使用期限的存在,这是为保障土地资源不被违法占用。三是因为我国法律法规对于自动续期的规定不明确。我国法律法规之所以没有对自动续期的相关问题做出明确的规定,是因为受到立法时的客观现实状况和立法者思想有限性的限制。除了以上原因,当然还有其他因素或多或少的影响,但并不是主要影响因素,另外这也是我国复杂的现实国情和社会发展的反映。通过分析可以看出,使用权到期后采用何种续期方式是十分重要的,所以制定合理有效的解决措施是对自动续期制度的完善,对人们的生活也会起到积极的影响。