


关键词:知识产权信托 信托登记 信托税收 信托监管

毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

Title    A Study on the Legal System of Intellectual Property Trust in China                          

Abstract:In view of the low conversion rate of intellectual property rights, the author thinks that we can learn from the excellent experience of foreign countries, give full play to the advantages of the trust system, realize the rapid development of intellectual property rights, promote the rapid transformation of China's economic model, so as to enhance the competitiveness and enhance our comprehensive national strength.

This paper argues that there are many problems in our country's intellectual property trust system, such as the fact that the trust registration authority is unclear, the long supervision leads to the efficiency is not high, the trust tax has the phenomenon of repeated taxation. In order to promote the development of intellectual property trusts, it is necessary to improve the system and formulate corresponding laws and regulations so as to promote the harmonious and orderly development of the intellectual property trust market.

Key words: intellectual property trust ;trust registration ;trust tax  ;trust supervision .


1 知识产权信托的法律构造及在实践中的应用 1

1.1  知识产权信托法律关系 1

1.1.1  知识产权信托主体 1

1.1.2  知识产权信托客体 2

1.1.3  知识产权信托内容 3

1.2  国内外知识产权信托制度在实践中的应用 4

1.2.1  美国的专利资产证券化制度 4

1.2.2  日本与大学合作的专利信托模式 4

1.2.3  我国的知识产权信托实践:以我国武汉专利信托以及中关村集合信托为

例 5

2  我国知识产权信托存在的问题及其对实践的影响 6

2.1  不完善的知识产权信托登记制度影响交易安全 6

2.2  不健全的知识产权信托税收制度导致重复征税 7

2.3  不成熟的知识产权信托监管制度造成监督不力 7

3  国外知识产权信托实践对我国的启示 9

3.1  美国的专利资产证券化给我国带来的启示 9

3.2  日本的专利信托模式给我国带来的启示 9

4  完善我国知识产权信托制度的措施 11

4.1  确立知识产权信托登记制度 11

4.2  建立知识产权信托税收制度 12

4.3  健全知识产权信托监管制度 13

结论 15

致谢 16

参考文献 17

1 知识产权信托的法律构造及在实践中的应用

1.1  知识产权信托法律关系
