


关键词  网络虚拟财产  特殊物   继承   权利行使的限制    

毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

Title    Research on inheritance of network virtual property                    


Abstract:Network virtual property is in an unreal space and virtual internet society, and it occupies a certain disk space, shows the interests of the economic and spirit in the special property through the various senses of the human by digital code. With the remarkable improvement of practical and social demand, and the economic and spiritual interests of network virtual property, as well as the cultural value  affirmed, the construction of inheritance rules of network virtual property is of great necessity. Because the network virtual property is a kind of special property, which can be listed as heritage, and it has the support of the current relevant laws, so the inheritance of network virtual property is justified. The inheritance rules of network virtual property mainly include the subject of the inheritance of virtual property, the scope of inheritance and the aid of inheritance as well as the exercise of the right of the successor. Because of the special nature of the network virtual property, The successor should respect the privacy of others, as well as the limitation of the terms of the Internet service agreement and the limitation of the right to exercise time when exercising the right of inheritance.

Keywords : Network virtual property   special property   inheritance   Restrictions on the exercise of rights


目   次

1  引言 1

2  网络虚拟财产的界定 2

2.1网络虚拟财产的概念 2

2.2网络虚拟财产的法律属性 3

3  网络虚拟财产继承的必要性 6

3.1 对保护经济与精神利益具有重要意义 6

3.2 对满足个人和社会需求具有现实意义 6

3.3 对传承和发展文化具有历史意义 7

4  网络虚拟财产继承的正当性 8

4.1 网络虚拟财产属于特殊物 8

4.2 网络虚拟财产能够纳入遗产的范围 8

4.3 网络虚拟财产可继承的现行法律依据 9

5  网络虚拟财产的继承规则 11

5.1 网络虚拟财产继承的主体 11

5.2 网络虚拟财产继承的范围 14

5.3 网络虚拟财产继承的辅助手段 15

5.4 网络虚拟财产继承人权利的行使 17

结论 19

致谢 20

参考文献 21

1 引言

随着信息网络时代的到来,互联网于人们的生活中逐渐普及。 “互联网 + ”的新型产业模式,就是在这种背景下提出来的。在这一时代背景下,反映互联网时代特征的社会新情况、新问题,也将不断涌现出来,相继引发了“李宏晨案”、EVE投资银行案等以网络游戏道具被盗、网络虚拟财产交易等刑事、民事案件的相关学术讨论,以及社交网络账户继承、网络商店继承等关于网络虚拟财产继承问题的研究。[ ]无独有偶,在美国也同样出现了类似的争议案件。一位在伊拉克服役的美军战死后,其父希望雅虎公司提供其子的雅虎账号和密码以寄托对其儿子追思缅怀之情,但雅虎公司以侵犯用户隐私权为由而拒绝。最后,父亲起诉至法院,双方达成和解,由雅虎公司将其儿子账号中的数据信息、照片等资料复制到光盘里再交给这位父亲。网络虚拟财产具备着经济利益,凝结着人们的情感需求,在网络用户死亡以后其生前所有的比特币、网络游戏道具、社交网络账户等是否可以继承、应当由谁来继承则成为了日益受关注的问题,亟待相关法律法规的出台解决。