
Todic et al. [16] developed a software solution for auto- mated process planning for manufacturing of plastic injec- tion molds. This CAD/CAPP/CAM system does not provide CAE calculation of parameters

Todic et al. [16] developed a software solution for auto- mated process planning for manufacturing of plastic injec- tion molds. This CAD/CAPP/CAM system does not provide CAE calculation of parameters of injection molding and mold design. Maican et al. [17] used CAE for mechanical, thermal, and rheological calculations. They analyzed phys- ical, mechanical, and thermal properties of plastic materials. They defined the critical parameters of loaded part. Nardin et al. [18] tried to develop the system which would suit all the needs of the injection molding for selection of the part– mold–technology system. The simulation results consist  of geometrical and manufacturing data. On the basis of the simulation results, part designers can optimize part geome- try, while mold designers can optimize the running and the cooling system of the mold. The authors developed a pro- gram which helps the programmers of the injection molding machine to transfer simulation data directly to the machine. Zhou et al. [1] developed a virtual injection molding system based on numerical simulation. Ma et al. [19] developed standard component library for plastic injection mold design using an object-oriented approach. This is an object- oriented, library model for defining mechanical components parametrically. They developed an object-oriented mold component library model for incorporating different geo- metric topologies and non-geometric information. Over the years, many researchers have attempted to automate a whole mold design process using various knowledge-based engineer- ing (KBE) approaches, such as rule-based reasoning (RBR), and case base (CBR) and parametric design template (PDT). Chan at al. [20] developed a 3D CAD knowledge-based- assisted injection mold design system (IKB mold). In their research, design rules and expert knowledge of mold design were obtained from experienced mold designers and hand- books through various traditional knowledge acquisition pro- cesses. The traditional KBE approaches, such as RBR, CBR, and simple PDT have been successfully applied to mold cavity and runner layout design automation of the one product mold. Ye et al. [21] proposed a feature-based and object-oriented hierarchical representation and simplified symbolic geometry approach for  automation mold assembly modeling.    The previously mentioned analysis of various systems shows that authors used different ways to solve the problems of mold design by reducing it to mold configurator (selector). They used CAD/CAE integration for creating precision rules for mold-base selection. Many authors used CAE system for numerical simulation of injection molding to define parame- ters of injection molding. Several also developed original CAE modules for mold and injection molding process calculation. However, common to all previously mentioned systems is the lack of module for calculation of mold and injection molding parameters which would allow integration with the results of numerical simulation. This leads to conclusion that there is a need to create a software system which integrates parameters of injection  molding with  the result  obtained  by numerical

摘要:模具设计是一个知识密集型的过程。 本文描述了一个面向知识的,参数化的,模块化的和基于特征的集成计算机辅助设计/计算机辅助工程(CAD / CAE)系统。 用于塑料注塑成型和模具设计数值模拟的CAx系统的开发为模具设计中的产品分析开辟了新的可能性。 所提出的系统将Pro / ENGINEER系统与专门开发的模块集成在一起,用于计算注塑参数,模具设计和模具元件的选择。 系统界面使用参数化和基于CAD / CAE特征的数据库来简化设计,编辑和审阅过程。 还提出了所提出的CAD / CAE集成注塑模具设计系统的总体结构和部分输出结果。


1 介绍

注塑工艺是制造塑料零件最常用的成型工艺。 一般而言,注塑成型设计包括塑料产品设计,模具设计和注塑成型工艺设计,所有这些都有助于成型产品的质量以及生产效率[1]。这是涉及许多设计参数的过程,需要同时考虑。由计算机辅助注塑成型的模具设计已经被全球许多作者长期关注。