





外文文献出处:ScienceDirect Volume 20, Issue 2, June 2003, Pages 153–175


Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty in Online and Offline Environments

Venkatesh Shankar* Amy K. Smith** Arvind Rangaswamy***

October 2000 Revised, May 2002

*Visiting Faculty, Sloan School of Management, M.I.T. and Ralph J. Tyser Fellow and Associate Professor of Marketing, Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742. Tel: (301) 405-2175. Fax: (301) 405-0146. Email: vshankar@rhsmith.umd.edu

** Assistant Professor of Marketing, George Washington University, School of Business and Public Management, 2023 G Street, N.W., Lisner Hall, Suite 135, Washington, D.C. 20052. Tel: (202) 994- 0903. Fax: (202) 994-8999. Email: aksmith@gwu.edu

*** Jonas H. Anchel Professor of Marketing, The Smeal College of Business, Penn State University, University Park, PA 16802. Tel: (814) 865-1907. Fax: (814) 865-3015. Email: arvindr@psu.edu

We thank Marriott International and HSMAI foundation for providing the data. We also thank the participants at the 1999 INFORMS Marketing Science conference in Syracuse, New York and the participants at the 2000 Marketing Camp at the University of Texas at Austin for valuable comments.


We address the following questions that are becoming increasingly important to managers in service industries: Are the levels of customer satisfaction and loyalty for the same service different when customers choose the service online versus offline? If yes, what factors might explain these differences? How is the relationship between customer satisfaction and loyalty in the online environment different from that in the offline environment? We propose a conceptual framework and develop hypotheses about the effects of the online medium on customer satisfaction and loyalty and on the relationships between satisfaction and loyalty. We test the hypotheses through a simultaneous equation model using two data sets of online and offline customers of the lodging industry. The results are somewhat counterintuitive in that they show that whereas the levels of customer satisfaction for a service chosen online is the same as when it is chosen offline, loyalty to the service provider is higher when the service is chosen online than offline. In addition, the relationship between overall satisfaction and loyalty is stronger online than offline and there is a positive reciprocal relationship between loyalty and satisfaction online. These results suggest that, contrary to popular fears, the online medium could help firms build a loyal customer base. One way to do this would be to focus directly on loyalty-building initiatives, such as encouraging repeat purchases by providing well-designed online links to products and services.