


关键词: 刺梨;气相色谱嗅闻法;气相色谱-质谱法;遗漏;协同作用

Study on Aromatic Synergy Technology of Rosa roxburghii

Abstract : In this study, headspace solid-phase micro-extraction (SPME) was used to extract the aroma components of Rosa roxburghii, followed by gas chromatography (GC-O) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Qualitative and quantitative analysis was performed, and the main aroma components in Rosa roxburghii were selected based on the OAV (Aroma Vitality Value). The aroma components of these aroma components were classified. The key aromas in the roxburghii were screened by the omission experiment and passed through σ-τ. Intensity method and S curve method were used to explore the synergy between aroma and flavor. Thirty-one aroma substances were screened through qualitative and quantitative experiments and OAV calculation results, including 11 ester compounds, 5 acid compounds, 5 alcohol compounds, 3 ketone compounds, 3 aldehyde compounds, and 1 phenol compound. Species, olefin compounds 3 species. They were pided into seven aromas. Four key notes of fruity, acid, green, and woody were selected from the omission experiment. The combination of scent and rhythm performed a σ-τ intensity test, except for fruity notes and woody notes. The combination of aroma and rhyme is a super-additive effect, and the rest of the combination of aroma and rhyme is a partial addition. For the fruit aroma and woody aroma, a further S-curve experiment is performed to further illustrate the synergistic effect of the two aromas.

Keywords: Rosa roxburghii; GC-O;GC-MS;OAV;omission; synergy

目  录

1 前言 1

1.1 刺梨简介 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 1

1.2.1 刺梨香气物质研究现状 1

1.2.2 香气协同研究现状 2

1.3 研究目的和意义 3

1.3.1 目的 3

1.3.2 意义 4

2 实验原理与内容 5

2.1 实验原理 5

2.2 实验材料试剂和仪器设备 6

2.2.1 材料试剂 6

2.2.2 仪器设备 7

2.3 实验方法和步骤 7

2.3.1 香气物质的萃取 7

2.3.2 感官小组 8

2.3.3 GC-O分析 8

2.3.4 GC-MS分析 8

2.3.5 外标定量实验 9

2.3.6 香气活力值OAV测定 9

2.3.7 遗漏实验 10

2.3.8 协同实验 10

3 实验结果与讨论 13

3.1 GC-O分析结果与讨论 13

3.2 外标定量实验分析结果与讨论 15

3.3 香气物质OAV计算结果与讨论 17

3.4 遗漏实验分析结果与讨论 19

3.4.1 香韵的划分结果与讨论 19

3.4.2 筛选关键香韵分析结果与讨论 20

3.5 协同实验分析结果与讨论 21

3.5.1 香韵的σ-τ强度法的分析结果与讨论 21

3.5.2 香韵的S曲线的分析结果与讨论 22

4 结论 26

致谢 27

参考文献 28

1 前言

1.1 刺梨简介

刺梨(Rosa roxburghii Tratt.)是蔷薇科落叶灌木植物。发源地为中国,是中国所特有的水果品种,在我国的亚热带地区广泛分布。尤其是生长在以四川、贵州、云南、陕西、湖北、湖南分布的刺梨果实最好,是加工保健食品的上乘原料。成熟的刺梨果实不仅肉质肥美酸甜,而且还含有大量的氨基酸和对人体有利的微量元素,还含有SOD(过氧化物歧化酶),是目前的水果中的“维生素C之王”,在100g新鲜的刺梨果实中维生素C的含量就有841.58~3541.13mg,分别是猕猴桃以及柑橘中含量的10倍和50倍。刺梨的最佳采收时期是9月份,因为此时刺梨自然成熟,果实的黄铜含量和多糖的含量均为最高。刺梨的储存有多种形式,如制成干膏粉、鲜榨果汁、浓缩汁等。研究发现, 刺梨果实的药用价值和食用价值均非常的高,不仅有抵制氧化、抗癌防癌作用,还有降低重金属负荷等效果。刺梨果实如图1.1所示。