



Design and control of polymerization reactor

Abstract: The purpose of this study is to design an aggregate polymerization reactor, in which the material is vinyl chloride. The reaction kettle, according to the original data of process condition requirements in terms of the reaction kettle body structure selection, material selection, subject design and agitator seal structure and detail structure design, and the reaction kettle, the strength and stability of design conditions, procedures, inspection should be based on the related technical standard. Eventually to achieve the design of the reaction kettle meet the technological requirements, conform to the requirements of the strength and stability, and within the kettle on real-time monitoring, temperature, pressure, liquid level reached for the kettle to the control of temperature, pressure and liquid level.

Keywords: Reaction kettle;agitator;design;control

目  录

摘要 2

关键词 2

1  绪论7

1.1  本课题研究的意义 7

1.2  聚合反应釜的研究方向 7

1.3  聚合反应釜控制技术的现状 8

罐体与夹套的设计 9

2.1  釜体DN、PN的确定9

2.1.1  釜体DN的确定9

2.1.2  釜体PN的确定9

2.2  反应釜筒体壁厚设计10

2.2.1  设计参数确定10

2.2.2  筒体壁厚设计10

2.3  筒体封头的设计11

2.3.1  设计参数的确定11

2.3.2  封头壁厚的计算12

2.3.3  封头的直边尺寸、体积及重量的确定12

2.3.4  筒体长度H的设计13

2.4  外压壁厚的设计13

2.4.1  试差法设计外压筒体的壁厚13

2.4.2  外压封头的壁厚设计14

2.5  夹套几何尺寸计算15

2.5.1  夹套筒体D_J 、P_N的设计15

2.5.2  夹套筒体壁厚的设计15

2.5.3  夹套长度HJ的初步设计16

2.6  夹套封头的设计16

2.6.1  夹套封头的选型16

2.6.2  设计参数的确定17

2.6.3  夹套封头壁厚的设计17

2.7  釜体的水压试验校核18

2.7.1  筒体的水压试验校核18

2.7.2  夹套水压试验校核19

3  搅拌装置的设计 20

3.1  搅拌器的设计20

3.2  搅拌轴的设计22

3.2.1  轴的最小直径估算22

3.2.2 轴的刚度校核 22

3.3  釜内壁挡板的设计23

4  传动装置的设计 24

4.1  电机的选型24

4.2  机架的选型25

4.3  减速器的选型26

4.4  安装底盖的选型27

4.5  联轴器的选型28

4.6  凸缘法兰的选型30

5  反应釜附件的选型与尺寸设计 30

5.1  釜体法兰连接结构的设计30

5.1.1  法兰的设计30

5.1.2  密封面型式的选择31

5.1.3  垫片的设计33

5.1.4  螺栓、螺母和垫圈的尺寸规格设计33

5.2  工艺接管及管法兰、垫片的选型34

5.2.1  工艺接管的设计34

5.2.2  管法兰的设计35

5.2.3  管法兰垫片的设计36

5.3  视镜的选型37

5.4  人孔的设计38

5.5  温度计、压力计与液位计的选型40

5.6  支座的选型与设计40