摘要:本实验采用点滴法研究fluralaner对德国小蠊(Blattella germanica)的毒力,结果表明fluralaner对德国小蠊的毒力在0-96h内随时间延长而增大,而96h后毒力趋于稳定。在杀虫活性方面,fluralaner的杀虫活性显著低于氟虫腈和丁烯氟虫腈,而与敌敌畏和高效氯氰菊酯无显著差异,但极显著的高于残杀威。通过增效剂试验,结果表明96h和120h后增效作用显著,增效指数达到2.68倍和2.50倍;但24h后,胡椒基丁醚(PBO)对fluralaner无明显增效作用;48h和72h后有稍显著的增效作用,增效指数分别为1.61倍和1.23倍。除此,本实验还克隆得到德国小蠊GABA受体亚基基因的部分片段,并对其进行生物信息学分析,为德国小蠊Rdl亚基的研究提供了基础信息。
The toxicity test of fluralaner against Blattella germanica and clone analysis of fluralaner’s target receptor
Abstract:In this study, the toxicity of fluralaner against Blattella germanica was tested by topical application method. The results showed that the toxicity of fluralaner against B. germanica increased with time in 0 h to 96 h after treatments, and was stable at 96 h after treatments. The insecticidal activity of fluralaner was significantly lower than insecticidal activity of fipronil and butene fipronil, but had no significant difference with insecticidal activity of dichlorvos and beta-cypermethrin, and was significantly higher than insecticidal activity of propoxur. Of course, we also studied the synergistic effect of synergistic agent on fluralaner activity like piperonyl butoxide. By the synergistic agent test, the results showed that piperonyl butoxide (PBO) had significant effect and the efficiency index reached 2.68-time and 2.50-time at 96 h and 120 h after treatments; even though had no obvious synergistic effect on fluralaner at 24 h after treatments and the synergistic effect were only 1.61-time and 1.23-time at 48 h and 72 h after treatments, respectively. In addition, the Rdl subunit of GABA receptor gene was isolated from B .germanica and analyzed using bio-information software and on-line tool, which would improve the study of B .germanica Rdl subunit in the future.
Key words: Blattella germanica; fluralaner; toxicity test; GABA receptor; gene clone
目 录
摘要 1
关键词 1
Abstract 1
Key words 1
引言 1
第一章Fluralaner及常用药剂对德国小蠊的室内毒力测定 2
1 材料与方法 2
1.1供试虫源 2
1.2主要试剂及设备 2
1.3 药物配制 2
1.4 试验方法:点滴法 3
1.5 统计分析方法 3
2 结果与分析 3
2.1 Fluralaner对德国小蠊的室内毒力测定 3
2.2 常用杀虫剂对德国小蠊的室内毒力测定 4
2.3 增效剂胡椒基丁醚(PBO)对fluralaner活性的增效作用 4
3 讨论 5
第二章 德国小蠊GABA受体基因的克隆 5
1 材料与方法 5
1.1 供试昆虫 5
1.2 主要试剂及耗材 5
1.3 主要仪器设备 6
1.4 德国小蠊总RNA的提取与检测 6
1.5 cDNA第一链的合成 7
1.6 德国小蠊GABA受体基因序列的查找 7
1.7 引物设计与PCR扩增验证 7
1.8 PCR目的条带的回收、纯化 8
1.9 目的DNA的连接、转化 8
2 结果与分析 9
2.1目标片段验证 9
2.2 生物信息学分析 11
3 讨论 13
致谢 14
参考文献 14
德国小蠊是一种分布广、危害大的重要室内卫生害虫,可携带多种细菌和病毒,能够引起人的哮喘等过敏反应,是病媒生物防治的主要对象。防治德国小蠊有多种方式,包括监测、环境防治、物理机械防治、化学防治、生物防治等[1]。其中,化学防治是多年来被广泛应用且颇有成效的防治方法。目前我国常用于防治德国小蠊的杀虫剂有拟除虫菊酯类、有机氯类、有机磷类、氨基甲酸酯类、昆虫生长调节剂、微生物杀虫剂、有机氟类、新烟碱类、增效剂及趋避剂等[2]。但由于长期大面积、频繁地喷洒相对单一的化学杀虫剂,使得其抗药性问题日渐突出。早在20世纪40年代,用于防治德国小蠊的药剂为氯丹、DDT和林丹等有机氯类杀虫剂,然而不久便有报道称德国小蠊对该类杀虫剂产生抗性[3];随后,在20世纪50年代,马拉硫磷等有机磷类杀虫剂替换有机氯类杀虫剂不久,又有报道称德国小蠊对该类杀虫剂产生抗性[4];后来用于防治德国小蠊的氨基甲酸酯类、拟除虫菊酯类等杀虫剂,均出现了抗药性问题[5-6]。此外,德国小蠊容易产生交互抗性。Scharf 等(1998)选育出的拟除虫菊酯类杀虫剂氯氰菊酯抗性品系对有机磷类杀虫剂毒死蜱也有抗性,但毒死蜱抗性品系对氯氰菊酯并未产生抗性[7]。因此,防治工作中亟需解决德国小蠊对化学杀虫剂的抗药性问题。针对德国小蠊抗药性问题,明确其抗性作用机制和新型杀虫剂的研发成为解决该问题的两种重要手段。