

摘  要:本实验以烟草W38为材料,通过无菌苗的获取、外植体的选择、激素种类和浓度的选择,最终成功的构建了烟草新型体细胞胚结构-类蛙卵体(FELB)的诱导再生体系。实验分别取烟草的外植体根、茎和叶为材料,放置在含有不同浓度的生长素物质NAA和2,4-D的MS培养基上,黑暗条件下进行烟草FELB的诱导。将诱导成功的FELB放置在含有细胞分裂素6-BA的MS培养基中分别进行离体培养,并且诱导离体培养的FELB萌发成苗。实验表明:黑暗条件下,外植体诱导FELB的诱导效果叶>茎>根;MS+10 mg/L 2,4-D对W38的FELB诱导的效果最佳,MS+5 mg/L 2,4-D与MS+15 mg/L 2,4-D效果次之,而各种浓度NAA诱导效果较差,未能成功诱导出其FELB结构。培养基MS+1.0 mg/L 6-BA对FELB催萌效果最佳,其效率可至100 %。在实验过程中,对发育时期FELB的形态学和组织学试验分析发现,烟草W38的FELB属于内起源。本研究最终成功构建了烟草W38新型体细胞胚结构-类蛙卵体(FELB)的诱导再生体系。


The Induction System Construction of FELB, A novel somatic embryo structure in tobacco W38

Abstract: In this study, the tobacco W38 was used as the basic material, and the induction system of FELB was constructed through the seed disinfection, selection of explants and hormone concentrations. The root, stem and leaf of tobacco were used as explants materials, and were placed on MS basic medium containing different concentrations of NAA and 2,4-D were used to induce callus and somatic embryos in darkness. Then the somatic embryos were placed on MS media containing 6-BA for in vivo and in vitro FELB regeneration into seedlings culture. The results showed that the explants were induced into FELB with high rate following leaf > root > stem in the dark condition; and the effect of MS+10 mg/L 2,4-D was the best on tobacco somatic embryo induction, however, the induction effects of MS+5 mg/L 2,4-D and MS+15 mg/L 2,4-D effect, and various concentrations of NAA were poor, and failed to induce FELB of W38 structure. The effect of MS+1.0 mg/L 6-BA on FELB regeneration was the best with the high efficiency of 100 %. The results of morphological and histological experiments showed that the FELB of tobacco W38 was internal origin. So, we successfully constructed stable and efficient FELB induction system of tobacco W38 in this study.

Key words: Tobacco; FELB; Somatic embryogenesis

目    录

摘要 1

Abstract 1

引言 2

1 材料和培养基的准备及研究方法 3

1.1 材料 3

1.2 材料的选择和培养基的准备 3

1.3 研究方法 3

1.4分析和鉴别 4

2 实验结果 4

2.1 叶片诱导FELB的结果 4

2.2 生长素和光照对愈伤组织和FELB的影响 5

2.3 细胞分裂素和光照对FELB胚萌的影响 6

3 结果分析 6

3.1 FELB的发生和生长切片分析 6

3.2 FELB的染色观察和分析 7

3.3 FELB成苗 7

4 讨论和展望 8

参考文献 10

致谢 13




W38烟草,栽培烟草的一个亚种,其株型紧凑、植株不高,植株较壮,茎秆粗壮,叶片宽大。所以,对于烟草的遗传转化操作,人们大多用W38的叶片进行。尽管通过烟草农杆菌介导的叶盘法转基因[6-8]的方法已经形成,而且烟草的高频再生体系以及转化体系也已经成功建立。但是越来越多的研究要求我们能够更加高效地筛选出高品质的转基因事件,从而避免大规模、大面积的对转基因烟草进行种植,再逐株进行鉴定筛选,为了避免以上诸多研究现状的技术瓶颈和客观需求,建立烟草的干细胞悬浮培养和单个干细胞的转基因体系显得尤为重要,这个体系构建的前提就是要建立构建干细胞的诱导体系。以上诸多问题可以通过新型体细胞胚FELB(Frog egg-like body)[9]诱导发生途径来解决。经过我们前期的研究表明,我们也可以把FELB作为生物反应器的重要工具,生产我们所需的蛋白类药物。截至目前,对烟草的FELB研究至今没有完整报导,因此我们的研究具有重要的意义。