

摘  要: 从宋河中高温大曲分离出7株酵母菌,形态学和碳源同化特性初步鉴定为红酵母属、毕赤氏酵母、鲁酵母。采用透明圈法和液体发酵法复筛产香酵母,以酯化力和酒化力为指标考查复筛产香酵母的混菌发酵特性。结果表明:筛选得到2株优质产香酵母(酵母菌my2和酵母菌Y3-2),与功能芽孢菌适当混合可显著促进混合菌株的产酯与产酒能力,相比纯种酯化力可提高15.26%-79.37%。酵母菌my2与产酯芽孢菌SEPO-28 3:1比例混合,酯化力高达22.13 U/ mL,且最适的混菌产酶温度为32℃、初始pH为4,含盐量和酒精含量对其产酯酶活力影响不显著。


Screening of Aroma-Producing Yeast Isolated from Daqu

and Mixed Fermentation Characteristics

Abstract:7 yeast strains isolated from Songhe middle-high temperature Daqu were obtained and identified as Rhodotorula, Pichia and Saccharomyces rouxii by morphology and properties of the carbon source assimilation preliminary. Aroma –producing yeast strains were screened with the methods of observing transparent zones and measuring, fermentation characteristics of mixed yeast and bacillus were studied with the esterase productivity and alcohol productivity in the fermenting broth as indexes. The results showed that: 2 strains (strain my2 and Y3-2)exhibited higher esterase productivity mixed fermenting with the functional Bacillus at the appropriate ratio could obviously increase by 15.26% - 79.37% on the esterase productivity and alcohol productivity comparing with the pure strain fermenting. The highest esterase activity reached 22.13 U/mL with yeast my2 and strain SEPO – 28 mixed fermenting at the ratio of 3:1 which fermented at 32 ℃, initial pH 4. But the content of salt and alcohol could not affect significantly on the esterase activity.

Key words: Yeast; Screening; Esterification Mixed fermentation; Fermentation characteristics.

目    录

摘要 1

引言 2

1 材料与方法 2

1.1 实验材料及仪器设备 2

1.1.1 试验材料 2

1.1.2 主要培养基 3

1.1.3 仪器设备 3

1.2 实验方法 3

1.2.1酵母菌的分离与鉴定 3

1.2.2产酯酵母的筛选 3

1.2.3混合菌种发酵 4

1.2.4混菌发酵特性 4

1.3数据分析 4

2 结果与分析 5

2.1 酵母菌的分离与鉴定 5

2.1.1 菌落与细胞形态 5

2.1.2 碳源同化 5

2.2 产酯酵母的筛选 6

2.2.1 初筛 6

2.2.2 复筛 7

2.3 混菌发酵 7

2.3.1 混菌发酵产酯酶特性 7

2.3.2 混菌发酵产酒特性 9

2.4发酵特性 9

2.4.1 不同影响因素的混菌产酯特性 9

2.4.2 不同影响因素的混菌产酒特性 11

3结论与讨论 11

3.1结论 11

3.2讨论 12

参考文献 13

致谢 15



中国白酒因具有独特的酿酒加曲、固态混菌发酵、固态蒸馏酿造工艺,而被誉为世界六大蒸馏酒之一[1]。中国白酒在发酵过程中参与了大量的微生物,但微生物的生长代谢受酿造技术、地域气候等因素的影响,导致形成不同的香型风格。然而白酒的香型风格与微生物代谢产香密切相关[2]。随着色谱和质谱技术在白酒风味物检测中的应用和发展,研究证明:白酒香气成分中,酯类占绝对含量,同时突出主体香[3]。白酒发酵过程中酯类物质的形成主要由微生物代谢的酯化酶催化作用。相关研究学者已把能产生酯化酶的微生物称为产香菌[4]。 有研究报道:白酒的发酵过程中,酵母菌产香作用至关重要[5],主要产香物质表现为挥发性有机酸、香气物质前体物及酯化酶,其中酯化酶尤为重要。此外,还初步明确了产酯化酶酵母分属于汉逊酵母属,产朊酵母属,假丝酵母属,球拟酵母属和酒香酵母属等,是构成基酒独特香气的主要微生物类群[6]。