Study on the Preparation of Rice Active Solution by Fermentation of Lactobacillus Plantarum
Abstract: The commonly used safe Lactobacillus plantarum is used as a fermentation substrate for the preparation of rice fermentation active liquid containing active peptides and amino acids. In the experiment, the main active ingredients of fermentation broth such as peptides and amino acids were detected, and long grain rice and Lactobacillus plantarum had the best fermentation effect. After the fermentation, the content of peptide before fermentation was increased by 2.69%, the amino acid content was increased by 5.57%, and the protein content was increased. According to the content of its active ingredients, the fermentation process was optimized, including the effect of rice grain size, fermentation temperature, and fermentation cycle on the main active ingredients. In the experiment, it was concluded that the best effect of 10-20 mesh long-grain screened rice at 37 degrees for 7 days Well, the peptide content increased by 3.41%, the amino acid content increased by 8.82%, and the protein content increased .
Keywords: Lactobacillus plantarum; Rice flour; Fermentation; Active peptide; Amino acid
摘要 1
Abstract 1
目录 2
1绪论 4
1.1 引言4
1.2.1 植物乳酸杆菌4
1.3 本课题国内外研究进展5
1.4 本课题的研究内容、目的及意6
1.4.1 研究内容6
1.4.2 研究目的及意义6
2.1 实验材料与试剂8
2.1.1 菌种的准备8
2.2.2 培养基的制备8
2.2.3 试剂的配制9
2.2 实验仪器与设备10
2.3 实验设计与方法11
2.3.1 菌种的活化11
2.3.2 米种的筛选11
2.3.3 粒径的处理11
2.3.4 发酵过程操作11
2.3.5 营养液的处理与保藏12
2.4 指标检测法12
2.4.1 活性肽检测法12
2.4.2 氨基酸检测法14
2.4.3 蛋白质检测法15
2.4.4 还原糖检测法16
2.5 单因素工艺优化19
2.5.1 米粒粒径的影响19
2.5.2 发酵温度的影响19
2.5.3 发酵周期的影响19
2.6 数据的处理与图像的绘制19
3结果与讨论 19
3.1 菌种的筛选与活化结果19
3.1.1 平板涂布20
3.1.2 点板与碘实验25
3.1.3 显微镜下观察乳杆菌形态25
3.2 发酵液图片25
3.3 发酵液检测部分25
3.3.1 发酵前各基础指标的初始数据25
3.3.2 植物乳杆菌发酵液各指标结果26
3.3.3 植物乳杆菌菌粉发酵液各指标结果26
3.4 单因素实验部分26
3.4.1 发酵前各基础指标的初始数据26
3.4.2 大米粒径的选择26
3.4.3 发酵温度的选择26
3.4.4 发酵周期的选择28
3.5 发酵液气味部分29
4 结论与分析 30
致谢 31
参考文献 32
1 绪论