Abstract:Taking the green banana as the research object, through analyzing and comparing the quality changes under different temperature and different ethephon concentration ripening environment, the optimal ripening environment of banana was determined, and the banana quality evaluation regression model was established.The results showed that: on the banana surface uniformly sprayed 1%, the concentration of 1000ppm ethephon and 90% humidity, the first four days temperature of 22 °C, the next three days temperature of 19 °C conditions under ripening, when bananas The total sugar content was 62.4 μg/mL, the tannin content was 0.6 mg/L, the total acid content was 7.67 g/100 g, the Vc content was 3.20 mg/100 g, and the soluble solids content was 22.The mathematical regression model for banana quality assessment using partial leastsquares was:MaturityNormalization=0.108369Sugar+0.554373SolubleSolids-0.214771Hardness-0.238407Vc-0.058020Acid+0.030210Tannin-0.001307Peroxidase-0.032499Malondialdehyde Among them, the highest positive correlation weight is soluble solids content, and the highest negative correlation weight is VC content.
Keywords:Banana; artificial ripening; maturity; index system; mathematical regression model
1绪论 4
1.1本课题国内外研究现状 4
1.1.1香蕉的概述 4
1.1.2香蕉的食用价值 4
1.1.3香蕉的经济价值 4
1.2香蕉的储运 5
1.2.1香蕉在储运过程中的保鲜方法 5
1.2.2香蕉在保鲜过程中面临的问题 5
1.2.3香蕉储运过程中的问题 5
1.2.4香蕉储运中的影响因素控制方法 5
1.3香蕉的催熟 5
1.3.1催熟方法 5
1.3.2催熟剂的选择 6
1.3.3催熟作用 6
1.4香蕉成熟度 7
1.4.1香蕉不同成熟度的作用 7
1.4.2现有香蕉成熟度鉴别方法 7
1.5本课题的研究目的和意义 8
2材料与方法 9
2.1实验材料 9
2.2实验仪器与设备 9
2.3实验方法 10
2.3.1香蕉硬度的测定 10
2.3.2香蕉果肉理化指标的测定 10
2.3.3成熟香蕉指标体系的建立 11
2.3.4香蕉催熟环境的研究 11
3结果与讨论 13
3.1标准曲线 13
3.2香蕉催熟最适方法的研究 14
3.2.1温度对香蕉成熟的影响 14
3.2.2乙烯利浓度对香蕉成熟度的影响 18
3.2香蕉食用品质评价数学模型的建立 22
3.2.1香蕉的成熟指标 22
4结论 23
致谢 24
参考文献 24